Visual Trait IndexMantagrem
Mantagrems are an aquatic species that live primarily in lakes and oceans. These hybrids can grow up to amazing lengths, the longest recorded one being up to 11 feet long. They have traits akin to the mantashark species, sporting a thick hairless hide meant for gliding through water, a shark-like tail, and mantaray’s fins with characteristic eyes shown on each wing.
Each mantagrem has two forms, an aquatic form and land form. Below the water, they have their wings fully out to glide to amazingly deep depths to catch prey. On land, they are able to make their wings and tail shrink to small sizes (or disappear!) in order to reduce weight on their bodies. Despite being able to be on land, they cannot stay there without having their bodies hydrated.
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Visual Trait IndexSnowgrems are a hybridization between Grem2 and Domestic Canine, created to be a working class for primarily frigid environments. Originally snowgrems were used for long distance deliveries, hunting, dog translation, and pull work, but as their popularity grew in size, snowgrems were modified for different roles such as emotional support classes or simply having one for personal enjoyment and social status.
Snowgrems can now be classed into certain categories based on the job that they were created to do. These classes are only here to add flare to your snowgrem and create proper work for their dog form.
Each snow grem is special, able to shape shift into a "working dog" form whenever they please. This form of shape shifting is a huge benefit to humanity, with not only providing ample work for people but also helping close the language gap between dogs and humans by having them aid in translation between both species.
Snowgrems almost always sport furry soft feet and densely furred bodies to protect them from the cold. Their starry blueish eyes are a specific popular trait to people as well as their shape shifting dog forms. Their fur can wildly vary in colour as opposed to "Earth type canines" making them abnormally coloured, with their dog form showing similar resemblance in design, colour, and traits to their original snowgrem form.
Please click here for design rules and guidelines!
These grems are siblings.
A species combination of grem2 and cervowls
This hybrid species has been dicontinued
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open , can make your own
Introduced / Native: Native
Size: 1 ft
Location: Rallome, Mezza, Austrum continents
Habitat: Cave Systems & Moss Forests
Base: (Base Link) You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!
This cave-dwelling species has had their anatomy evolutionarily altered due to their dependence on cave-like environments for food and shelter. This has caused them to lose their ability to fly, as well as growing larger heads, ears, and eyes for more optimal use of their sensory organs.
A Boggan’s claws are well adapted for clinging onto cave walls and climbing, giving them the ability to hold onto even the slipperiest of walls for their food. Their diet consists of plant matter & insects, particularly flightless cave moths, which make up a majority of their diet.
Boggans use bioluminescence as a form of communication with other organisms, flashing their luminescent markings in a rhythmic pattern to send signals to others. These signals are complex and can tell other boggans everything they need to know about an individual, where food is, whether there are threats in a certain area, and so on.
Misc Facts:
- Males tend to be the more brightly coloured of the sexes, but it isn't unusual to see females who will also sport this vibrant look.
- A female Boggan can bear up to 4 pups in a litter, she will typically barricade herself within a long hole structure called a "nest scratch" that her mate will dig for her. Females will use their bodies as a barricade to prevent predators from getting to her young, this however means she is totally dependant on her mate for sustainance for the first few weeks.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
- Must have Large head, eyes & Ears
- Wing membrane must attach to both the arms and belly sides. Cannot be functional.
- Glowing markings are required, a marking must be present in order for it to glow.
- Glow is considered an accent and shouldn’t take up the majority of your Boggan.
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
All Colours are available to your Boggan.
Simple patterns are available but must be limited. (spots, stripes, gradients, rings, etc)
Geometric patterns are available but must be limited. (stars, hearts, any sort of cutey mark look)
Ferret Lizard
Species Created by Toothlessego
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open, can make your own.
Introduced / Native: Native
Size: 3 ft
Location: Mezza Continent
Habitat: Forests, caves, shrublands
Base: (Base Link)
Ferret Lizards are slendered bodied animals built to slink through small areas and climb to gain access to birds and their nests. Their appetites are impressive given their size, making them a very active animal and eating twice their bodyweight in food to keep their metabolism in check. In the wild, these creatures live alone, taking down animals much larger than them with their miraculous stamina and amazing reflexes.
These animals are very popular in the pet business, with their playful personalities and interesting colour morphs. When tamed right, these guys make perfect lap pets!
Misc Facts:
- These omnivorous creatures will consume anything they can find in their unforgiven environment.
- Ferret lizards females will give birth to live young, having up to 6 pups in a litter.
- A very adaptable creature, can live in almost any climate.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
- Long bodies with short legs.
- Minimum spines running along the back of their neck.
- 4 claws on frontfeet, 3 claws on back feet.
- 2 pointed notches on the mouth.
- slit pupils.
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
- All natural markings are available but must be minimal.(EG: spot, stripes, can be any colour, etc)
- All colours are available to your ferret lizard.
- eyes can be any colour.
Lubra (Ghoast)
Status: Mount
Species Availability: Open , you can make your own
Rarity: Common (1)
Introduced / Native: Native
Location: Rallome & Austrum
Habitat: Frigid Mountain sides
Base: Lubra
Lubra are a shy goat-like species that live primarily on high altitude mountain environments. on this terrain they use the treacherous and rocky mountain side as a form of advantage for their survival against hunting predators, this makes them a successful species as very few attempt to predate on them. Their bright thick wooly coats aid them in withstanding frigid temperatures , especially at night. Male Lubra will typically have denser longer fur around the neck and backside regions to show off their health and overall physique, as well as work to accentuate the size of their head and horns.
All sexes of Lubra grow 2 large Crescent shaped horns on their head. The larger set called the "Galla Horn" typically grow in first while the smaller "Fel Horn" will grow in later in life. Fel horns possess a unique ability to luminesce, this is achieved by Lubra gorging themselves on a certain type of plant that only sprouts during their breeding season. When this season comes around, Lubra will consume, resource guard, and battle for their right to gain the ability to partake in the luminscence dance, which requires a glowing Fel horn to participate.
Once night falls and the conditions are right, Lubra will then begin to bound around and fluctuate the glow in their Fel horn to show off their fitness and attract mates who are interested. These gorgeous displays are a great favourite among locals, and have become an attraction to eco-tourists. The Lubra dances go by many names, including the "lunar dance" and the "Fel Galla", all names attributing in someway to the double moons of Palleth.
Misc Facts:
- The large fur on the back legs of Males can be easily pulled off, this is used as a "get away" tactic if a predator is able to grab hold of the back of them. Because of this, Lubra fur is easily collectable, making them saught after fauna to collect from.
- It isn't unusual to see Lubra with unevenly shaped horns, there has been frequent documentation of Lubra with larger Moon horns and smaller main horns or vice versa on record.
- Lubra have a unique set of eyes which can dialate to let in more light, as well as a reflective film called a tapetum, giving them the ability to see better in the dark.
- Their diet consists of grasses, shrubs, salt and small insects.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
- Wooly body with cloven hooves.
- Short ears.
- 2 sets of horns resting ontop of each other.
- Males require Mane around the neck.
- Small short tail.
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
- Only gradients and natural markings are allowed.
- Body should be light in colour while the legs & face are dark.
- Horns must be naturally coloured.
- ONLY the "Fel Horn" can glow. Able to glow any colour.
- Bioluminescence can be anywhere on the body but MUST be strictly an accent.
Species created by Kasmut
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open , can make your own.
Introduced / Native: Native
Size: 1-3 ft
Location: Everywhere except cold continents
Habitat: Temperate climate habitats, Forests, Farmlands, etc.
Base: (Base Link)
A hybrid between both pig and goat, Goatpigs are very sweet and fun companions to have!
They love to go on walks and enjoy anything you feed them. Having a goatpig is like having a best friend for life!
Misc Facts:
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
- Rounded body
- cloven hooves
- 1 small set of horns
- goat ears and tail
- fangs
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
- Natural colours & markings are available. (EG: spot, stripes, can be any colour, etc)
Status: Mount
Species Availability: Closed species, you cannot make your own
Size Comparison: Pony to medium Horse size
Quick description: These omnivorous creatures are brightly coloured to ward off predators, indicating that they are poisonous and shouldn't be eaten. These creatures specialize in consuming certain plants that are considered poisonous to many others, they use this poison to convert into a weapon, lacing it within their skin.
If you have a token to create an inkuine and you would like to use the pre-made base when designing your pet, you can find the Inkuine base Here.
For more information on how to design and color your inkuine, please check out the species guide Here.
-Can shoot slime as another form of defense from its mouth.
-Able to crush seashells with its beak to get into the juicy morsel within.
-The poison is only active when ingested and can cause a burning and stinging sensation all within your body, so please wash yourself after riding one of them.
(More info about colouration will come in the future)
Ivy Lizard
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open, Can make your own
Introduced / Native: Native
Size: 10 In - 3 ft
Location: Everywhere Except North & South Poles
Habitat: Forested Areas & Rocky Regions
Base: (Base Link) You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!
This arboreal Species is built for the trees and canopy, barely coming down unless pushed out of their territory by competitors or predators. They can live both on insects and nectar or sap. Ivy Lizards have a particular interest in collecting seeds on their backs, tending to them until they grow over their entire body as a form of camouflage. Ivy is a favourite of the species, hence the name.
Ivy lizards are live bearing reptiles, carrying their young on their backs once born. When an ivy lizard is young, their first seeds will typically come from their parents as they hide in their foliage. There is significance in trimming down the foliage of an ivy lizard, this practice prevents the overgrowing roots and leaves from impeding their legs.
These creatures come in a huge variety of colours, changing their skin overtime to match the foliage they choose to carry on their backs. The plant life can vary from lizard to lizard, some even having multiple species of plants on their backs.
Misc Facts:
- The offspring of an ivy lizard will live on the backs of the male parent for a few weeks, collecting the seeds for their own use in order to start them off early in life.
- Ivy lizards typically have 4-5 sets of legs, but there have been any documented to have exceed that number.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
Must have at least 4 sets of legs. Able to have as many legs as it’s size can handle.
Must have one host plant growing along it’s back.
Plants should be proportionate to the lizard’s size and manageable for their body.
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
All Colours are available to your Ivy Lizard.
- Simple natural patterns are available. (spots, stripes,gradients, rings, etc)
Krag Crab
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open Species, can make your own
Size Comparison: ~1 foot tall
Quick description: These large crustaceans travel long distances over the course of their lives, nonspecifically scavenging for food. They prefer activity in the dark, accumulating in big groups at night. Sometimes they can be seen sweeping through foggy graveyards, picking moss and lichen off of headstones. There are stories that they guide souls to their resting place using the glassy, light-reflecting stones embedded in their shells. If kept as pets, they may have a tendency of picking up bright objects and 'decorating' their living space (or shells!) with them.
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open Species, can make your own
Size Comparison: Small Iguana
Quick description: Lyzzands are a lizard species imported from the planet Daeis, they use the extra skin on the sides of their bellies to pocket air and glide over water. In Daeis, their colours would serve as camouflage in their bright coloured environment, but they stand out significantly on Palleth.
Old World Cat
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open, can make your own.
Introduced / Native: Native
Size: 9-20in (Length)
Location: Found Everywhere
Habitat: Forests, Farmlands, Deserts, Cold climate areas, etc.
Base: (Base Link)
A domesticated cousin of the wild Grypha Cat, Old-world cats have lived as a true companion to many cultures for thousands of years. These feline friends are very similar to earthly cats, save for their feet which have a strong resemblance to a bird’s claws or talons. Older lineage of these cats can also have pseudo-wings and feathery protrusions on their shoulders and rump.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
- Typical "Domestic Cat" body type
- Bird feet on atleast 1 set of feet
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
- Naturel colours & markings are available. (EG: spot, stripes, can be any colour, etc)
Status: Mount
Species Availability: Closed, cannot make your own
Introduced / Native: Native
Size: 7-10ft
Location: Vercia Continent
Sporadically found in the Dyul & Yurich region
Habitat: Arid desert region & Oasis habitat
Base: Gold Faced Patago You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!
Hefty massive creatures found primarily within the desert range of Vercia. Patago have a varied appetite and will consume whatever is available to them so it isn’t unusual to see them consuming meat when necessary. Primarily their main diet consists of large insects and larvae, roots, and tubers.
The practice of owning and raising a Patago is specific to the culture of Vercian natives (named Duroga) and is often seen as a right of passage for the younger generations of their people. Durogans are one of the only cultures on Palleth to care for and even ride these large creatures. Because of their strong cultural significance, for an outsider to be allowed to take-in and care for one of their own is seen by the Durogan people as a sign of great reverence and trust for that individual.
Durogan’s use these large beasts as their primary form of transportation and as cargo haulers, but also as a form of livestock wherein they are able to utilize the milk, meat, and hide of said creatures. In owning one you agree to take on the sacred duty of caring for them, as this species is highly revered by their people and every Patago is protected and treated with the utmost care, including those that would be ultimately harvested for their meat. Disrespecting or mistreating a Patago will result in severe consequences for that individual.
Misc Facts:
- Males & Females both grow horns on their head, using them to bash and wrestle for dominance.
- Their Fan-like Tail is made of harden modified scales, some are sturdy and sharp to slice at opponents, while others are light and rattle to scare off predators.
- Their diet consists of large insects, primarily eating a specific species of large termite endemic to Vercia.
- Patago get all of their water from their insect diet and typically do not drink.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
- Plated Back Scales
- Eyebrow Horn Crests
- Large Digging Claws
- Large Tail Ornament
- Light Coloured Belly
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
- Melanism
- Leucism
- Natural Markings such as stripes, spots, gradients, rosettes, points, etc.
Colour Range
Black, White and Warm Colours are permitted.
Plentiful Stoutan
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Closed, you cannot make your own
Introduced / Native: Native
Location: Resides on the Island of Karmos & other small parts of the southern Mezza Continent
Habitat: Heavy Jungle & Bamboo Forest
Size: 10” - 20”
Base: Plentiful Stoutan Base
You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!
Quick Description:
This portly animal is known for having poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell which it depends on as it shuffles through its heavily forested environment. Stoutans are specifically known for their “armour-like” plating which grow in the form of hardened keratin over their lifetime, An adult Stoutan is completely armoured in these scales which makes them resemble the look of a pangolin or snake fruit. Their thick hide, fatty meat, tusks, horns & scales are highly sought after for hunters which has incidentally caused their populations to drop in many areas.
Stoutans require a high calcium diet in order to grow their scales, this is typically the reason for their large congregations around calcium deposits, decomposing bodies or bone piles.
Being a rather quiet and timid species, males prefer to avoid conflict, only to display themselves using their tusks and brightly coloured face markings.
Misc Facts:
- Owners of this animal require supplying their Stoutan with many bones.
- Lack of calcium can cause deficiencies & prevent scale growth, making them very naked and very vulnerable.
- Has a scent gland that secretes foul odor if threatened.
Basic Design Rules
Plentiful Stoutans Require:
- 2 tusks
- 2 horns
- Flopping ears
- Short nails
- Back scales
- Rotund body shape
Unavailable Colours/Markings/Traits❌
- Albinism / Piebald
- Unnatural markings
- Bright colours (must be muddy and natural coloured)
Available Markings ✔️
- Melanism
- Natural Markings such as stripes, spots, gradients, rosettes, points, etc.
Stoutans come from very green and earthy environments, it’s significant for them to be able to camouflage in such environments to avoid predators.
The colours depicted here are loose iterations that are requested to be worked within, some deviation is allowed but if the design is too far from the natural look of the creature then it has a high possibility of being denied.
Free choice of colours on: Eyes, Mouth, Claws, Teeth
Species Created by Toothlessego
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Closed, cannot make your own.
Introduced / Native: Native
Size: 1 ft
Location: Rallome Continent
Habitat: Grasslands & flowerfields
Base: (Podlet Snorse) You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!
These wild little critters are much smaller relatives of the common riding Snorse! Semi-arboreal as juveniles, they use their three pairs of legs to help them climb, until they're heavy enough that it becomes ungainly. Unlike their more leathery counterparts, the common Snorse, these guys are much slower, softer and squishier, with frog-like skin. The Violet Dart flower is a major part of their early diet, giving them a toxic/foul tasting resistance against predators. A couple of other defenses include the ability to spray sticky slime from their lower antennae, And bright warning colors displayed on their shells!
A podlet snorse is a meandering little animal, focused almost entirely on getting to their next meal as they plod along. Quick movements may startle them into a defensive response, but any grems or humans that wish to feed one need only be still and patient!
While their diet is mostly herbivorous, preferring the petals and stalks of blue flowers, they’ll make an exception to slurp up insects or worms that cross their path! They’re especially fond of the violet dart flower, a plant which helps to boost their toxin producing capabilities in their early life.
Podlet snorses are mainly solitary once they reach maturity, but as juveniles they may be seen in larger groups, or ‘stocks’ as they travel through forests or fields for sustenance.
They will greet or identify other podlet snorses by pressing all four of their feelers together.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
Podlet Snorses may have shells that vary, some grown outside of their skin (like a snail) while others of this species can have them emerging from under their skin (like a semislug).
- Slug body with 6 legs altogether
- 3 hoof toes per foot
- Shell on the back
- Armoured shoulders
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
- Podlet Snorses come in a wide variety of colours.
- Podlet Snorses are required to have vibrant blues somewhere on their shell. Any shade of blue is fine as long as it is the most vibrant part of the shell.
Status: Companion
Species Availability: Open Species, can make your own
Size Comparison: Medium sized dog
Quick description: Porcudevils live up to their name, not only by their resemblance to earth animals, but by their temperament! They're feisty troublemakers, likely to choose favorites and misbehave around anyone else, but they're very loyal to those they respect. Very tough and smart animals with nasty spines and protective of those they respect, porcudevils make excellent guards!