


Status: Companion

Species Availability: Open , can make your own

Introduced / Native: Native

Size: 1 ft

Location: Rallome, Mezza, Austrum continents

Habitat: Cave Systems & Moss Forests

Base: (Base Link) You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!



This cave-dwelling species has had their anatomy evolutionarily altered due to their dependence on cave-like environments for food and shelter. This has caused them to lose their ability to fly, as well as growing larger heads, ears, and eyes for more optimal use of their sensory organs.

A Boggan’s claws are well adapted for clinging onto cave walls and climbing, giving them the ability to hold onto even the slipperiest of walls for their food. Their diet consists of plant matter & insects, particularly flightless cave moths, which make up a majority of their diet.

Boggans use bioluminescence as a form of communication with other organisms, flashing their luminescent markings in a rhythmic pattern to send signals to others. These signals are complex and can tell other boggans everything they need to know about an individual, where food is, whether there are threats in a certain area, and so on.

Misc Facts: 

  • Males tend to be the more brightly coloured of the sexes, but it isn't unusual to see females who will also sport this vibrant look.
  • A female Boggan can bear up to 4 pups in a litter, she will typically barricade herself within a long hole structure called a "nest scratch" that her mate will dig for her.  Females will use their bodies as a barricade to prevent predators from getting to her young, this however means she is totally dependant on her mate for sustainance for the first few weeks.



Basic Design Rules


Physical Requirements:

  • Must have Large head, eyes & Ears
  •  Wing membrane must attach to both the arms and belly sides. Cannot be functional.
  • Glowing markings are required, a marking must be present in order for it to glow.
  • Glow is considered an accent and shouldn’t take up the majority of your Boggan.

Available Colours & Markings ✔️

  • All Colours are available to your Boggan.

  •  Simple patterns are available but must be limited. (spots, stripes, gradients, rings, etc)

  •  Geometric patterns are available but must be limited. (stars, hearts, any sort of cutey mark look)


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