Color Changing Fur (Early Access Mutation)
Fur that shifts color due to chemical changes within it. This change can take a varying amount of time to occur depending on the trigger, with a minimum of 5 minutes. Markings themselves cannot change, only colors. Blood and skin colors remain the same.
- Blood and skin colors do not change.
- Must have a clearly indicated main form with a maximum of 3 additional variations (4 total forms). Additional forms must be shown slightly smaller than the primary form.
- The triggers to this change may be:
- Season
- Time of Day
- Emotional State
- Season
[DISCLAIMER: The more forms you choose to have, the longer redesign processing may take.]
Feather Body (Early Access Mutation)
Feathers can grow on the body in lieu of fur.
Honed Powers (Early Access Mutation)
Powers are a dangerous game of chance for any grems. They are latent at birth and can manifest in a number of ways at any time in their lives. This awakening of powers harnesses the key to becoming as close to the grem's doppelganger dimension as possible without becoming a cypherus. Each power is different, some being more general or specific depending on the individual and their own strength. They tend to present in specific elements (fire, wind, earth, liquid, gas, and mind) and are controlled priamrily through the hands. Grems possessing powers are considered dangerous and are flagged as kill-on-sight once discovered, so powers are generally kept secret.
Honed Powers can be used in more areas than just the hands, and can be used in multiple ways.
Bat Wings (Paid Mutation)
Small bat-like wings that protrude from the back. Bat wings can come in multiple structural variations, the most notable are the "dragon" or "bat". They are entirely useless for flight, making them primarily an aesthetic trait.
- Gives your grem 1 pair of bat style wings.
- The arm of the wing can have fur, however the fingers and wing membranes must be furless.
- Maximum size limit of a bat wing is about the same length as their arm (from shoulder to hand).
- This trait can be applied to one, some, or all wings on the design, and can be used to create a split set of wings when combined with other wing traits. (EG: 1 cherub & 1 bat wing) (Note: this trait does not merge wing types Nor does it add ADDITIONAL wings past the 2 wing limit.
- For additional wings please see [Quad wing] for more details.
- Cannot create hybridized wings (Eg: merging parts/sections of one wing type into parts of another wing type.)
- This wing can optionally have a "thumb" OR This wing can optionally have a small hand with a max of 3 fingers (Please see example.)
- The membrane of the wing is not limited to strictly bat-like shapes, and can have slight modifications. (Please see examples.)
- Cannot be used to mimic "off-limit" traits. (Traits that either do not exist or you do not have the trait changing item for.)
- This trait cannot be applied to these Grem types: Mantagrems (they come with their own set of default wings.)
- This trait can be applied to the following Grem types with the use of the appropriate applicator item:
- Grem2
- Snowgrem
- Growls
If applied to a growl:- This trait can entirely replace the default wings with this wing type OR can create a split set of wings. (ex: one bug wing, one cherub wing) You may not create hybridized wings with this trait.
Illustrations by Mrgremble
Begemmed (Paid Mutation)
Stone or crystalline growths coming out of the surface of the skin. Typically originates along the back, but is not required to.
- These gems cannot grow from or obscure the dominant blood areas.
- Cannot grow from or extend past the claws.
- Can’t restrict natural movement or hinder function.
- Cannot replicate mutations (ex.horns, plates, spurs) unless mixed.
- Can form simple shapes, be it natural or unnatural.
- Size limitation is roughly the length of a grem’s hand.
- Can be any color, and can be translucent or opaque.
- Can grow from the feet but cannot form claws/spurs, and recessive blood color must still make up the majority of the foot's surface.
- Able to recreate spikes simliar to thagomizers on the end of the tail.
Mixing mutations:
When mixing with other mutations, what ever information is not here follows both its own AND that counterpart's descriptions and requirements by default. If there is conflicting information, please contact us.
+ Horned
- Horns can have a gem like appearence or reflective metallic look to them compared to the more dull original.
- May also be combined with biolum to have the horn glow from the skin/base, making the gem horn appear as if there is a glow within.
Cherub Wing (Paid Mutation)
Small cherub sized wing appendages that protrude from the back, these wings are known to only be able to grow fur, but it isn't uncommon for these wings to be furless. They present in various shapes and fur lengths. These are entirely useless for flight, making them primarily an aesthetic trait.
- A pair of wings that may only be furred or furless.
- No feathers are accepted, any mimicry of feathers will be denied.
- Maximum size limit of a cherub wing is about the same length as their arm (from shoulder to hand).
- This trait cannot be applied to these Grem types: Mantagrems (they come with their own set of default wings.)
- This trait can be applied to the following Grem types with the use of the appropriate applicator item:
- Grem2
- Snowgrem
- Growls (A free trait that is required for Growls as a part of their default anatomy. Can be modified through the use of certain Wing Applicators, but may not be entirely removed.)
Illustrations by Mrgremble
Croaker Neck (Paid Mutation)
A neck only trait where your grem has a vocal sac (similar to a frog’s) specifically on the neck. This trait is able ( but not required) to encompass the entirety of their neck!
- Croaker sacs are filled with air and cannot have any other foreign objects/liquid inside of them.
- Trait can only be applied once & does not stack to increase the number of croaker sacs.
- This trait cannot be modified/merged with other traits.
- This trait cannot be used to mimic other mutations.
Illustrations by Snappy
Dragon Frill (Paid Mutation)
A frill or thin membrane that encompasses a Grem's neck. This trait is attached to and typically folds against the neck at rest and flares outward at will.
- Appearance: Generally resembles a rounded "frilled-neck lizard's" frills, but is allowed to have simple notches or zigzags.
- Can be furred. Cannot be overly furred to hide the frills membrane/skin.
- Frill Size: Roughly the length of a grem's head. Can have some wiggle room to be slightly smaller or larger.
- Cannot be so small that it is like a little skin flap or fold.
- Can be slightly translucent.
- Certain Free Mutation traits can be applied to Dragon Frill. (eg: Biolum, Wire, Reflective.)
- Cannot be created to resemble complex shapes like wings or hands. Must remain relatively simple in contour.
- Cannot be attached to other parts of the grem that are not the neck/behind the jaw (ex: cannot attach to horns, wire, begemmed, etc.)
Feelers (Paid Mutation)
Prehensile tendrils that can grow from the bottom half of the face as well as the neck.
- Must be tube-shaped and smoothly taper all the way down to the tips
- Made of flesh, but can be furred
- Must grow from the neck or face, but cannot be placed on the front of the nose or the crown of the head (see image)
- Cannot be longer than the grem’s arm
- Cannot be thicker than the grem’s wrist
- Cannot have suction cups or claws
Fleck (Paid Mutation)
Interspersed, brittle hairs that are typically a different color and compound from the surrounding fur. These brittle hairs easily break off into a powder and disperse around the surrounding area, appearing glitter-like.
Harlequin (Paid Mutation)
Harlequin is a colour mutation that changes the pigment entirely around a single foot of a grem. Only one foot changes to a faux pigment while the other remains with it's true blood colour. The Harlequin coloured leg can come in any colour or shade available, and can be covered hock to toe in any marking you wish. The nails of the harlequin affected foot may also come in any variety of solid colors.
- Harlequin does not follow the blood colour placement rules, and as such can be coloured in any way with most any colour.
- Bottom of the affected foot can also be coloured however you'd like.
- The true "Recessive" color cannot be placed anywhere on the Harlequin affected foot (Nails not included).
- The color of the nails on the harlequin affected foot can also be changed to another colour that does not match with the bloods.
- Nail colours must still be solid colours. No gradients.
- Only ONE leg is able to have the Harlequin mutation. The other leg MUST continue to follow the blood rules provided.
Horned (Paid Mutation)
Present from birth, horns are a rare and mostly safe mutation that usually present as hardened protrusions on the head. They can be any shape as long as it isn’t debilitating to or harming the grem. There is no set limitation as to how many horns the grem can have* and sometimes can appear to be asymmetrical.
- Horns may protrude from the crown of a grem's head, as well as on the end of the nose.
- They do not shed like antlers.
- Can be filed down to the base and regrown overtime.
- Tails of a grem may also have up to four horns each (End of the tail only).
- If the tail is forked, the base tail overall still may only have a max of 4 horns.
- With this mutation, the tail tips of a Grem may also optionally have up to four thagomizer spikes each. However, if adding spikes on the tail with this mutation, horns on the head must be present as spikes cannot be on the tail on their own. If the Grem's tail is forked, the base tail overall still may only have a max of 4 spikes. These spikes can be divided between each split evenly or asymmetrically (ex: 3 on one fork and 1 on the other, or 2 on each, etc)
Mixing mutations:
When mixing with other mutations, what ever information is not here follows both its own AND that counterpart's descriptions and requirements by default. If there is conflicting information, please contact us.
+ Begemmed
- Horns can have a gem like appearence or reflective metallic look to them compared to the more dull original.
- May also be combined with biolum to have the horn glow from the skin/base, making the gem horn appear as if there is a glow within.
Powers (Paid Mutation)
Description: (WIP)
Powers are an otherworldly ability that can be granted onto grems via supernatural means.
A Grem2 obtains its power via happenstance; a "dormant" gene is activated by an unseen godly or dimensional force. From what the facility has observed, powers are entirely an unknown phenomona that even GremCorps lacks control over. They can activate entirely at random or can be achieved via gaining the fondness of a godly being.
When a Grem2 (or Grem hybrid) gains its power, they are now able to conjure the element exclusively from the hand(s) area and are labelled by that element which can be manipulated and modified by the hands. They are able to produce the element at will, use it as an underdeveloped projectile, and modify the element in shape and size OR amplifying the element when in physical contact with it (ie: touching fire from a candle and amplifying it).
Powers are ONLY able to be used from their hands; other areas of the body are prohibited, and can only do very limited manipulation (ie: small, limited structures or weapons; delicately conjure our basic elements such as electricity, water, fire, etc).
Casting Range
Generally, a power will be at its highest capacity and strength within 0ft to 20ft, after that the energy will half after 20ft. The power will do no damage past 30 ft. This is a subjective distance and will most likely differ slightly based on the element being used.
Powers are restricted specifically to the elements listed below
Fire - all colors
• embers
• sparks (flint striking / sparklers)
• wisps
• heat-conducting
• smoke
Electricity - all colors
• Static
• Electricity
Water - all colors
• basic water types (salt, fresh)
• water drops
• mist and fog
Rock/Earth - all colors - NO toxic metals
• metals (liquid or solid)
• sand and stone
• fake precious metals and gemstones
• soil
Plants - naturally occurring
• thorns
• small flowers or seedlings/sprouts or nuts, cacti, leaves, moss
Air - Oxygen only
• delicate gusts
• weak, controlled air flow
Ice/Snow - naturally occurring
• powder snow
• icicles
• cooling hands
• mild freezing capabilities
Light - Any color
• flashlight-like light, contained
• firefly-like lights
• weak flashbang
• sparkling (without heat)
• small light shapes
• dimming/amplifying light
Shadow - Colourless & "Black"
• weak manipulation
• small, blotting shadow from the hand
• weakly darkening light around the hand
• dimming light
Primal Teeth (Paid Mutation)
A set of especially large teeth that protrude out from the mouth ornamentally, whether up/outwards like boar tusks or down like those of a saber toothed cat. This includes molars that protrude from the mouth.
- If a canine tooth, must extend past the silhouette of the head
- Cannot be so large that they overly encumber the grem
- Only 4 teeth can be Primal at once
- Can grow from the upper or lower jaw and can affect any tooth in the mouth except for the incisors
Scale Plating (Paid Mutation)
A mutation that causes excess hardening and plating of the skin that slowly overlaps itself the course of a grem's early life. This mutation is primarily used for protection, reaching density so extreme that it is even able to deflect bullets.
- Plates can layer and protrude slightly off the body similar to the scale plates on a pangolin.
- Scales can create the shape of small scutes, but any spines/spikes should be kept small.
- CANNOT form large spines/sails or large protruding ridges. Please see examples below for sizing and visuals on what would be allowed.
- Can coat the entire body OR only be placed in a few small areas.
- Plates can mix with other mutations if that mutation is present on the grem.
- Cannot be overgrown on vital areas like that eyes, ears, mouth, etc.
- Plates are not allowed to modify the general anatomy of the grem. (eg: using scales to create beaks or reshape limbs)
- Scales can create the shape of small scutes, but any spines/spikes should be kept small.
- CANNOT form large spines or large protruding ridges. Please see examples below for visuals of what would be allowed.
Illustrations by Snappy
Larger Wings (Modifier Trait)
A modifier mutation that affects the size of a Grems cherub or bat wings, and causes them to become larger than their usually allowed size.
- This trait does not change anything about the base requirements for the wing. It only affects their size.
- Applying this trait to your Grem does not ADD wings. It only affects the size of already existing wings on the design. If you would like to add wings, please see the [Cherub] [Bat] or [Insect] wing traits.
- This trait can be applied to one, some, or all wings on the design. (Once the trait is applied, you can change the sizes of some/all wings at any point without the need of another application.)
- This trait can affect both cherub, insect, and bat wings.
- This trait cannot be applied to these Grem types: Mantagrems.
- With the addition of Insect Wings, any wings affected by this potion will need to avoid Manta Wing mimicry.
- Maximum size limit of a wing with this trait applied is roughly 2 arm lengths when fully extended (example below).
Bioluminescence (Public - Free Mutation)
Bioluminescent markings that glow in the dark or under UV light. The glow of bioluminescence can dim and brighten at will or can be switched off completely. It can apply to any or all areas of a grem's body (hybrids included, please read below the visual for more information!).
Gecko Crest (Public - Free Mutation)
A small ridge of soft skin nodules or flaps that run along the length of the back, neck, and optionally the eyebrow ridges and length of the tail. Visually similar to a gecko crest.
- These nodules are small squishy, and soft.
- Cannot be used to mimic "off-limit" traits. (Traits that either do not exist or you do not have the trait changing item for.)
- Cannot resemble traits like scales, horns, or begemmed.
- Cannot be drawn any larger than the image provided.
Pedigree Fur (Public - Free Mutation)
A broad full-body fur trait used to cover any combination of differing fur textures, styles, and/or length. (Fur texture examples: Curly | Wavy | Coarse | Silky)
- Can be mixed with any trait available for your Grem.
- Cannot be used to mimic "off-limit" traits. (Traits that either do not exist or you do not have the trait changing item for.)
Reflective Markings (Public - Free Mutation)
Reflective accents that give a Grem's markings a "metallic sheen". The reflectiveness can have different levels of gloss or matte. Can occur in any colour.
Skirt (Public - Free Mutation)
A thin, skirt-like section of skin or fur situated above the tail-base and sometimes continuing over the hips, ending at the belly which drapes downwards almost like coattails or skirt.
- Must originate from around the hips or above the tail.
- Can only grow from the torso area, cannot grow on the arms, legs, tail, or anywhere above the shoulders. (See example.)
- Cannot grow across the belly or connect in the front. The skirt must remain parted at the front.
- Drapes downwards. Cannot be especially stiff or hold its own weight.
- If made of fur, can appear semi-translucent.
- Can be layered up to a max of 3 times to create interesting effects.
- Can be long enough to trail along the ground. Max length is 1x the grems height.
- Can have holes, or cut out shapes but should still be fairly wide and form a connected skirt. (See examples.)
- Must NOT form strips that mimic or closely resemble Ribbon Body or any other paid mutations/seasonal traits, etc.
Spurs (Public - Free Mutation)
Additional claws which grow from the back of a grem’s feet, pointing backwards from the foot. Can be straight or curl upwards like a healthy rooster's spur.
- Must be either the dominant OR recessive blood color
- One per leg, maximum
- May be no longer than the grem's toes
- No excessive curling or raptor claw shape
Illustrations by Salisburies
Unusual Teeth (Public - Free Mutation)
Non-standard teeth.
There are currently a few common ways that basic grem2 teeth verge from the standard:
Overgrown: Either the incisors or canines (upper, lower or both) are elongated and poke out from the mouth. Elongated canines can have a slight, oni-like outward curl to them
Corn-eater: Flat, herbivore-type teeth. Canines may remain sharp or be completely flattened.
- The length of these cannot extend past the silhouette of the head
- Any curled canines can only curl outwards from the mouth and not impede the grem
- Only the Insisors and canine teeth can be overgrown
- Max 4 teeth at once
- Cannot hinder a grem from closing its mouth
Wire (Public - Free Mutation)
Long, thin, whisker-like strands of keratin that come from the grem's body. They can be optionally adorned with a tuft of feathery fur on the end. Can be used as a simple decoration or cat whiskers for your grem.