Public traits are those which are freely accessible to users when creating a grem from a myo slot or updating one in a redesign. These traits are the original set of default, base traits for every Grem2.
There is no rarity value added to the design when using these traits.
Any public trait can be swapped out with any other public trait of the same category, combined with another public trait of the same category, or removed during a trait redesign.
Public - Free Mutation
Free mutations are traits that are free to use when creating a grem from a myo slot or updating one in a redesign. They are oddities that can be pinpointed in the DNA and activated during a grems creation process to add certain unusual minor effects.
- Free mutation traits can be swapped out with other free mutations, combined with other free mutations or public traits (if applicable), or removed during a trait redesign.
Public-On Certain Hybrids
Traits classified as "Public on certain hybrids" are typically traits which would be categorized as "Paid mutations" or some other kind of non-public trait on a Standard Grem2, but are free for use on certain Hybrid Subspecies.
Below is a list of free traits found on each specific hybrid subtype:
Horned, Feelers, Scaleplate, Harlequin
Harlequin, Fleck, Begemmed, Primal Teeth
Growl (Discontinued)
Harlequin, Cherub