
Branch Tail

Branch Tail (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


A singular tail with multiple thin and small sized nodules that branch from points along the base. These nodules can branch out only once and must have a simple leaf-like shapes or bulbs on the end. 



Available Only in Fall (September to November)

  • Nodules end in small, rounded bulbs and/or flat, simple, leaf-like shapes. (e1)
  • Nodules can sprout horizontally and/or vertically along the tails length. (e2)
  • When merged with the "Scale" or "Begemmed" mutations, the base shape of the nodules/bulbs/leaves must be unchanged, and any addition of gems or scales cannot replace or modify the nodules/bulbs into large scales or spike extensions. (e3)
  • If merged with "forked" tail, cannot split the nodules, only splits the base/main tail. (Split must follow the "last third of the tail length " rule) (e4)


Butterfly Alitas Tail

Butterfly Alitas Tail (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


Thin folded fur tufts that arrange themselves akin to a cluster of butterflies.
This trait can be used on all tail traits, visualized as a swarm of butterflies either peppered all over the tail or in one concentrated spot.


Available Only in Spring (April to May) [Nectar Tart]

  • [E1 / E2] Alitas can be scattered along the entire length of the tail. Alitas can be neatly arranged or placed in disorganized clusters.
    • (Minimum required amount of wings is 3)

  • [E3] Alitas CANNOT be larger than the example image. This trait CANNOT be affected by the “Larger Wings” trait.

  • [E4] Butterfly Alitas is able to be applied to all tail types (Eg: Public, Seasonal,  Exclusive, Paid Mutation, etc.). 

  •  Butterfly Alitas ia a TAIL ONLY Trait. Cannot be applied anywhere else.

    • This trait CANNOT be applied if your grem has the "Tailless" trait.

  • Butterfly Alitas must show both halves of the faux "butterfly," together, they cannot be bisected or split. 

  • Can ONLY combine with the following mutations to create the combos below:

    ✔Begemmed + Butterfly Alitas (for begemmed alitas)
    ✔Wire + Butterfly Alitas (to give the butterflies antennae)
    ✔Fleck + Butterfly Alitas (for colorful flecks that float off of the alitas)
    ✔Reflective Markings + Butterfly Alitas (for reflective coloring on the alitas (the entire alita or parts of it may have reflective marks.))
    ✔Biolum + Butterfly alitas (for glowing alitas, (the entire alita or parts of it may glow.))


Cyclops Eye

Cyclops Eye (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


This trait removes all other eyes located on the face of a grem and instead leaves only a singular eye placed in the very middle of their head. This eye is the only eye present on the grems entire head, and is larger in size compared the normal sized eye of a grem.



Available Only in Fall (September to November)

  • [E1] Cyclops eye is required to be in the middle of the head.
  • [E1] The eye must be large, and must be the only eye present on the grems face (meaning any and all additional eyes on the head of the grem should be removed, aside from the cyclops eye.)
  • [E2] This eye cannot be merged with other eye related traits (besides E-T), this trait also cannot be stacked in anyway to gain more eyes. 
  • [E1] The cyclops eye's axis can be positioned either vertically or horizontally. (See example below.)
  • When Cyclops eye is merged with E-T Affliction, Only their middle eye is present and enlarged on the face. No other eye is shown on the face besides their middle eye. 
  • When Cyclops eye is applied to a mantagrem, only the eyes on the head are affected, the eyes on the wings do not get removed in this process. 


Dweller Tail

Dweller Tail (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


This tail is visually akin to the look of a centipede or earwig's body and hosts a small set of functioning, insectoid legs that run along its length before ending in a massive set of pincers. All legs and pincers are able to move independently. The bug legs, and pincers are mobile and have the ability to move/crawl/clamp.


Available Only in Fall (September to November) [Gummy Crawlies]

  • Tail must resemble the body of either an earwig or a centipede. (See examples below.) 
  • Tail length follows the typical length limits. Can be as long as 2 body lengths or as short as the bun tail trait.
  • Can be thick or thin, can be heavily furred or short furred.
  • Must be plated along the top (See example image below.)
  • Bug-leg minimum is 2 sets (4 legs total) maximum is up to 20 sets (40 legs total).

  • Bug-leg length limits:
    • Shortest: Grem finger length | Longest: Grem head length.
    • CANNOT stagger lengths; all legs should be the same length unless injured.

  • Pincer size limit:
    • Shortest: Grem finger length | Longest: Grem forearm length.
    • CANNOT stagger lengths; should be the same length unless injured.

  • CANNOT be merged with other tail traits. Cannot combine with mutations.
    Can ONLY combine with the following traits:
    ✔All Free Mutations.
    ✔Butterfly Alitas.

    Art by Snappy


Floret Ears

Floret Ears (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


These bulbous, flowery ears are visually shown as 4 segments connected in a flower shape at the base, and adorned with a large fluff in the middle.
The segments can curl tightly around the fluff like a bulb, or open up to show the inner fluff inside! The inner ear fluff can easily shed off small pollen shaped puffs for aesthetic purposes.


Available Only in Spring (April to May) [Floret Bread]

  • Cannot merge with or add onto any other ear trait, this trait completely replaces the existing ear trait. (Exception: Mock Trait Use)
    • You are permitted to use "Mock Ears" to have duplicate, cloned Floret ears + add any other pair of mock ear traits. Floret ears however must retain their default look and remain separate from/not merged with any other trait while using Mock.
  • (E1) Ear fluff is always the blood color, it will change into the recessive color during a recessive rush. 

  • (E2) This ear trait MUST have 4 uniform segments. No more, no less.

  • (E3) Ear trait MUST appear as a simple flowers bulb, NO extra petals or aesthetics can be present. 

  • This trait can be mixed with Public & Paid Mutations. (Be sure to check specific mutation info to see which are applicable for the ear area.) 

Ghost Frost

Ghost Frost (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


A trait that causes the ends of a grem's fingers, tail, and/or ears to become ghostly and transparent. Despite them being see-through, this trait is an ornamental visual only. Grems may still use the affected limbs like normal to interact with their environment.


Available Only in Fall (September to November) [Ghostymallow]

  • Trait Merging Rules:
    • This trait is considered a modifier and can affect a variety of tail, and ear traits. If there are other seasonal mutations or traits such as free or paid mutations that fall within the coverage area of this trait, they will be affected by the transparency as well and should follow the rules listed below.
  • Trait can affect the fingers, tips of ears, and tip of tail only.
    • Can affect some or all of the listed areas. (Ex: Ears only, OR Ears and Fingers, OR Ears, Fingers and Tail(s).
  • Can affect some or all of the ear and tail traits present if a grem has multiple.
  • If affected, 50% of the tail or ear traits should still be visible and solid, only the ends can fade into being translucent.
  • If affecting the fingers, the entirety of the fingers may be affected, but the effect cannot spread to the rest of the hand or arm.
  • When submitting a refsheet for a grem with this trait for approval, please still provide a diagram of the grem's hand to show the blood colors.
  • Affected traits cannot completely disappear or become completely invisible. There must still be a hint of the affected trait area that is visible. (Whether it be via outline, or lowered transparency.) (Please use the examples below as a visual guide for how this trait appears on affected areas.)
  • Bones, organs, or other internals are NOT visible through this trait. The entire area will become transparent. (Please see examples below for reference.)
  • Changing the fade-coverage or affected traits is considered cosmetic and does not require another trait application to change it.

Art by Snappy

Kanga Pouch

Kanga Pouch (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


A single fur-lined "pocket" formed by an extra layer of skin located on the abdomen of a Grem, similar to that of a kangaroo's pouch.



Available Only in Fall (September to November)

  • Pouch line must be placed on the abdomen of a grem. Must be tight to the skin.
  • Pouch should be relative in size to the grem and not so large that it hinders their movement.
  • Great for storing all your extra snacks! 🍰



Multicolor Bones

Multicolor Bones (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


A trait that allows a Grems teeth and bones to be colored  differently than the standard black or white options. All colors and shades are available. The color can only be one solid color or shade.


Available Only in Fall (September to November) [Grittles]

  • Different areas cannot be multiple colours at once, one solid colour only. (eg: all teeth and bones are pink.)
  • The selected color must be a flat/solid color. No gradients. 
  • Only affects the colour of the grems bones and teeth. 

    Art by Snappy
Petal Neck

Petal Neck (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


Soft petals adorn the neck of the individual. These petals can come in an array of sizes and colours. New petals replace older or damaged ones via shedding, giving off a visual petal shower look.


Available Only in Spring (April to May) [Edible Bouquet]

  •  This trait completely replaces the existing neck trait. (Cannot merge with or add onto any other neck trait)

  • [E1] This trait is strictly located in the neck area, does not climb or trail down the grem's body.

  • [E2] The largest petals must not exceed the length of the Grems face.

  • [E3] Petal shapes are limited to the shapes provided in the visual diagram. Petal shapes should NOT resemble feathers.

  • [E3/E4] Petal colours can be solid or gradient only, no markings can be placed on these petals. Petals should not resemble feathers. (Reflective/Bioluminescense is allowed.)

  • [E1/E5] Cannot use this trait to make full flowers, individual petals only.



Primal Shield

Primal Shield (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


An extention of bone, skin and keratin sprouting out from the head area to form a crest. This "shield-like" crest is a direct reference  to a ceratopsian frill. This bony frill is covered in skin and typically adorned with bright colours. Keratin spikes decorate the outside edge of this frill. 


Available Only in Fall (September to November)

  • The frill size limit should be about the length of a grem's head. (e1)
  • Spikes cannot be placed anywhere but the outside edge of the frill! (e1)
  • Primal Shield can optionally have 2-6 small spikes that decorate the outside edge of the frill (e2)
  • All spikes should be no larger than the example(s) shown! (e3)
  • Shield/spike shape and orientation can all be changed around, as long at they are following the size limits provided. 

This trait can be mixed with any other trait category (eg. public, paid mutation, etc).



Raptor Claw

Raptor Claw (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


A trait that modifies and enlarges the front, inner-most claws on each foot of a grem. The claw shape becomes more sickle-like akin to a "raptor" claw. 



Available Only in Fall (September to November)

  • Max of 1 Raptor claw per foot.Can be applied to one or both feet.
  • This trait modifies the inner most claws, it does NOT create extra claws on a grem's feet. (e2)
  • Raptor claws follow the same colour rules as a recessive coloured claw.
  • Raptor claw cannot be merged with begemmed. Gems cannot cover the claw. 


Ribbon Body

Ribbon Body (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


Long, flat, fleshy ribbons covered in short velvety fur that can sprout from various places along the body of the grem. These ribbons are always floating around in an animated fashion.


Available Only in Spring (April to May) [Ribbon Fruit]

  • This trait is required to come off of the skin of the grem (Cannot attach to fur).
    Can be placed onto: Head, Arms, Legs, Tail, Neck, Body, Ankles, Back.

  • [E1] No more than 10 ribbons total on the entire body.

  • [E2] Ribbon length may not exceed the Grem's arm length.

  • [E3] Fur growing on the ribbons must be short and close to the skin of the ribbon. No long tufts of fur.

  • [E4] The ribbons MUST end in one of the shapes shown in the [E4] example below. Ribbon ends are not required to match across the design, different ribbons may use different ends.

  • [E5] This trait can be used as an addition with any other trait category (eg. public, paid mutation, etc) unless stated otherwise. 
    Traits Disallowed to be merged with or added onto: Wire/ Scale Plate / Horns / Pedigree Fur / Poncho

  • [E6] Ribbons cannot be used to mimic other traits.

  • [E7] Can animate/move but cannot grab, curl, or grip things for long periods of time. Cannot maintain a tightly curled shape.

  • Ribbons & Poncho Trait:
    • Ribbon shaped tassels are currently a thing you can already add onto Poncho without the need of this trait, this has not changed and we will continue to allow that as a public feature! See [Poncho Trait] for more rules and information regarding this!
    • This trait is specifically for Ribbons that can grow from the other main body areas outside of the Neck Trait!


Skull Mask

Skull Mask (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


A large growth of bone protruding outward over the grems face in the shape of a grem skull. This ornamental bone acts similar to antlers where it is attached to the skull and can break off and regrow.


Available Only in Fall (September to November) [Sugar Skull]
(Events, Foraging for "Bone Sweets")

  • Skull Mask colors must be one solid color (No markings or gradients, any color is available). You can either match the full color of the mask to the color of your grem's teeth OR pick any colour/shade of your choice.

  • When applying this trait, you have the choice to apply it to the top jaw, bottom jaw, OR both top and bottom jaws of your grem. (Please see examples.)

  • The skull sits like a mask on the face. The Inner mouth / Teeth / Eyes / Nose  of the grem are not affected by this trait and should still be visible through the sockets and unchanged underneath when applying this trait.

  • Changing skull mask coverage is considered cosmetic and does not require another trait application to change.

  • The skull mask coverage must look similar to the visual provided and cannot be modified or stylized to look any other way.
    • Broken masks/half-masks, odd skull shapes, etc. will be denied. Default anatomy of the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears should be unchanged, please do not modify the trait(s) to copy the look of a cypherus or imitate other non-public traits in the process.
    • Cracks and very small weathered chips are okay to add to your mask.

  • The mask must resemble the shape of a grem skull. Other skull shapes are not allowed.

  • Skull mask must be solid colored and opaque (This includes when merging with other traits.)

             Hybrid Rules

    • When used on a Snowgrem, this trait will take the skull shape of the form they are currently in. (Ex: Grem form = Grem Skull Mask shape || Animal form = Animal Skull Mask Shape (deer skull for deer form, bird skull for bird form, etc.)
    •  The skull should follow the shape of the head and cannot be mismatched from the animal form. (Ex: No toucan skulls for crow bird forms.)
  • Can ONLY combine with the following mutations to create the combos below:

    ✔Horned + Skull Mask (for horns that protrude from the skull mask.)
    ✔Unusual Teeth/Primal Teeth + Skull Mask (To allow for the respective tooth traits.)
    ✔Primal shield + Skull Mask (for a ceratopsian shield with the skull mask.)
    ✔Spider/Cyclops/E-T+Skull Mask (To allow for the look of differing eye sockets. Eyes cannot be placed ontop of the skull.)
    ✔Predatory + Skull Mask (For the bisected lower jaw.)
    ✔Begemmed + Skull Mask (Only encases the skull in gem. Does not create geodes.) 
    ✔Begemmed + Horned + Skull Mask (Only encases the horns in gem. Does not create geodes.) 

Art by Snappy

Spider Eyes

Spider Eyes (Seasonal Trait)

Category: Seasonal


A cluster of eyes that cover across the face of a grem. This trait is known to be one that only can be passed down from Gods and other heavenly beings. 


Available Only in Spring (April to May) [Pupula Kebab]

  • [E1] All eyes are required to look visually exact to the original 2 eyes.

  • Cannot be used at the same time as another eye-related trait. (E-T / Cyclops / etc. )
    • Cannot be used to replicate other traits.

  • [E1] This trait is strictly located on the facial area, does not climb or trail down the ears or neck.

  • [E1]  Minimal amount of eyes are 4, maximum amount of eyes are 10. 

  • [E1] Eyes must be relatively similar in size to one another. Some small variation is acceptable as long as they aren't wildly different.