


Status: Companion

Species Availability: Open, Can make your own

Introduced / Native: Native

Size: 7-30 Cm

spectapede_height.png (191×456)

Location: Everywhere except cold continents 

Habitat: Shaded & dark environments, Graveyards, Shrines/Places of worship

Base: (Spectapede) You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!



As the sun sets, this mysterious insect begins to be at its most active. Levitating around in search of new habitat to occupy and new pastures of rotting wood, fungi and moss to graze upon. Spectapedes are a welcomed creature in many areas for their ecological importance of being a natural clean up crew for feeding on detritus and any other naturally decaying material.

These invertebrates have a very special ability of absorbing and storing energy in their bodies, which they use to float around effortlessly through the air. This ability, as well as their ghoulish markings had earned them their ghostly name, as many depict them as being little wandering souls as they float around..

Many cultures deem spectapedes as the “carriers of lost souls”, believing them to be the ones to transport the dead to the other side. It can be common for people to use them for burial practices to help “pass on the soul” as a means to put them to final rest.


Misc Facts: 

  • This species uses soul energy and bundles them up into a ball, using this energy as their main form of locomotion.



Basic Design Rules


Physical Requirements:

  • Required to have a great number of legs. (Similar to a centipede)
  • Must have markings on Carapace in the form of a scary face. 
  • Tail end must be in a "wisp" formation.
  • 2 sets of eyes are required. (see visual for reference)

Available Colours & Markings ✔️

  • Can be any colour but carapace must be dark in colour.
  • Natural Markings are available (stripes, spots, gradients, rosettes, points, etc.)

Colour Range

(display what colour ranges they can be here)


Extra visuals can be provided here, but it's suggested to keep those visuals to the main image.

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