Artifact: Singing Beast Relic
"This sacred clay figure is imbued with the spirit of the animal, if you listen carefully, the sound of endless beasts can be heard singing to you in harmony. Envision the animal family you wish to be a part of and break this item in order to transform your soul and take on your new animal form."
Usage guide:
> One time use, item is consumed upon use. Use this item to change the current animal form of your Snowgrem. This item can be used on any Snowgrem you own, regardless of if they have completed the “Trials of the Animal” prompt or not.
> This item does not add an additional animal form to your Snowgrem. It only changes the current form from one animal type to another. Item can only be used on these Grem types: Snowgrem To use this item, simply submit a design update for the Snowgrem you wish to use it on with the new animal form design attached and add this item into the "Add-Ons" section of your design update request. You do not need to use this item if you are changing your Snowgrem’s animal form to another type of animal within the same family. (ex: changing your canine form from a poodle to a wolf.)
▸ Canines (All Canidae)
▸ Felines (All Felidae)
▸ Deer (All Cervidae, including moose, elk, reindeer)
▸ Birds of prey (including vultures) and Corvids
▸ Bears (All Ursidae)
Please see the snowgrem guide for more information on each animal form available to you.
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