Scotty's Pet Shop and Creature Design Contest!

Posted 1 year and 4 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 4 months ago by Acember

Hello everyone!
Coming to you again with another progress update and contest news!

  • Scotty's Pet Shop has been added to the site and is now officially open! We intend to add more items and features into it over time, but for now we will give you the essentials as we make more progress. Clicking on the items in the shop will give you all of their information, so take the time to become familiar with how each of them work!
  • A good amount of the fauna in our encyclopedia have been given updates to their information, feel free to check it out if you were curious! Not all are finished just yet, but more are being tackled as we have the time to do so.
  • We made an update to a few of the older trinkets and have added minor gib bonuses for the following ones when used in your prompt entries: the warmth, water, and crystal trinket. (For more information on how trinkets work, please read here.)
  • Another mini prompt will soon be added for the upcoming month of September. The theme of which will be centered around spending time with your companions!


Creature Contest

:6dog: :6dog: :6dog: 
With the new pet shop being added, we would like to host a contest to include another creature into the Game's roster, If you are interested in joining this contest, then please read the information below for how to submit your entry! 

Creature Creation Contest!

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