📮 Update Announcement: 10-27-2024

Posted 3 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 months and 3 weeks ago by Mrgremble

A few quick update announcements for the group:


Site Age Limit

Based on our community poll from a while back, the new age restriction for the site is now 16+. As of today, October 27th, 2024, users under this age range may no longer create an account until they are of age. If we find that an underaged user has created a new account then we will close said account until they meet the minimum age bracket. 

There are a very small handful of long-time users just beneath the age bracket who have been here since before this update. They will be grandfathered in and allowed to keep their accounts so long as they were created before October 27th 2024.

However, for these grandfathered users, the site will be restricted. Discord is barred off from underaged users and design approvals, trades, shops and prompts which are NOT marked as "16+ only" are allowed to still be accessed, but that is your limit. Any new content that is marked with this tag will be inaccessible. 

Trait Category Update

There are a couple of Seasonal Traits which, unlike their counterparts that are available in only specific seasons, were intended to be available throughout every season (namely the Quad Wing and Insect Wing traits). We realize that the "Seasonal" name for these traits was a bit confusing when they continued to show up year round, so we have moved them into a new category called "Exclusive Traits."

This new category is essentially the same as the Seasonal Traits category in terms of rules and presentation, the only difference is that we can now separate them to be categorized as year-round exclusive traits which are separate from mutations, that you can access at any point, not just in specific seasons. 

Design Transfers and Character Binding

Please read this section fully and carefully.
This is something that has been in discussion for a while and that we've been wanting to implement for the better part of a couple of years or so. We have updated the group rules and are now going to be allowing Grem designs you own to be ported onto other closed species/one-off designs and vice versa without requiring that the Grem be voided first. (*One exception to this rule is Mantagrems, please read the section below for the rules regarding them as they are a special case since they are a hybrid that is co-owned with another party.)

This means that if you have a character that is special to you, you can now port them into Grems as a look-alike design even if they have alternate versions that exist in other species. You can also port your Grem designs to other species if you like and continue to keep the Grem active as well. 

As part of the update, and in an effort to help mitigate any trade issues that might arise. We do require that if you do this you let us know either via a claim, or during the design submission so that we can mark down on the Grems masterlist that they are based on/have counterpart designs.  

Please also know that if you decide to create a Grem based on a pre-existing design, OR create a design based on a Grem, you are required to let us know, and the designs will then be considered "bound" together. Bound designs may NOT be separated and should be traded or transferred together in the event that an ownership change takes place.  If we find that designs which were bound have been separated, then there may be repercussions for the offending user up to and including a ban depending on the severity of the damage caused. We will take design separation very seriously as it has potential to impact multiple users, which is something we'd rather avoid if possible, so please if you are going to create alternative designs, respect the binding rule. 

Note that this new rule only applies to designs that are visibly similar to the alternate versions. If you have designs that look entirely different but share the same name/personality/character bio, then this does not apply to those designs so long as they remain visually distinct. This is only for designs that are intended to be visibly the same design in alternative forms/species.

That being said if you have already created alternate species/one-off designs based on your Grem, or your Grem is based on  a pre-existing design and you'd like us to link them, then please submit a claim with the links to said characters and we will add this info into the notes section! 

For ease of access here is the updated section concerning Grems, alt designs, and binding designs. Please be sure to give it a read through as it should cover anything we've missed in this text. 


[7:1] You are required to notify us when transferring the design of a grem you own onto another CS/One-off, (or vice versa) so that we may update the masterlist description to include a mention of the alt species/OC version. Any issues that arise from failure to do so may result in a strike or a forced Grem void depending on the severity.

[7:2] You may only create alternate species versions or OC's based on designs of Grems that you currently own.

[7:3] Upon creating a Grem based off of another one-off or closed species design, the Grem is considered bound permanently to the CS or one-off that they are based off of.

  • Binding (or locking) means that the designs will be linked to each other and in the event that any of the linked designs are ever transferred (traded, sold, gifted, etc.) in the future, they all must be transferred together They cannot be separated under any circumstance.

[7:4] Trading a Grem (or a bound design attached to a Grem) separately from it's bound counterpart may result in severe consequences. (Final warning or ban depending on severity). 

[7:5] If you wish to separate a Grem from its bound designs, then you must go through the basic redesign process in order to make them look visually distinguishable enough from each other. This is the only way to lift the binding. Please let an admin know, and upon approval, the previously linked versions of the design will then be voided and hidden on the masterlist.

[7:6] Due to their co-ownership restrictions, Mantagrems are NOT allowed to have counterparts made based on their designs (one-offs or CS versions) without explicit permission from Kemikel. Mantagrems also may not be voided per Kemikels request.

  • Please be sure to contact Kemikel before making an alt design based on a mantagrem as failure to do so could result in strikes, or a ban.

[7:7] Gremcorps staff is not responsible for any damage caused if you end up acquiring a design that was originally a users' one-off or CS. Please be sure to do your research before claiming a Grem.


We hope you guys enjoy this update and that this frees you up to port some of your favorite designs into Grems and vice versa for the Grems that you already own whom you'd love to use in other places as well. 

A small side note before we go. 

Remember that the applicators you get from collecting items such as the Wing Fragments or the Golden Feathers may be crafted in the Crafting Section of the site. This can be found by going to ACTIVITY>CRAFTING on the header dropdowns. You no longer need to send in claims for them as they are now automatic via crafting! We've had a few claims still be submitted for these, so figured the reminder might help. 

Also the Mutation Ticket / Mysterious Ticket Scraps have had their recipe art made and have been added into this area as well now, so feel free to take your scraps over to crafting and get glueing! 

Thank you guys! See you again soon.

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