๐Ÿ“ฎ Update Announcement: 02-09-2025

Posted 1 month and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 month and 2 weeks ago by Mrgremble

Masterlist Re-organization

Giving the community a heads up on an upcoming change that will be occurring on the masterlist very soon. we've been doing some event set up and recently came to the realization that the way the masterlist was created in the past has now been causing some complications with how we categorize Grem subtypes today (Causing overlap classification problems for Weregrems and any other future subtypes, as well as making organization look bloated and messy).
So in order to remedy this, we are going to be combing through the masterlist and recategorizing species and subtypes to properly fit the current system, these changes will make stacking subtypes easier, cleaner, and tidier both on the user side and the admin side when we go to set up our information sheets.
What will come of this new Re-Organization?
  • The ability to add multiple Subtypes to one grem in a less convoluted fashion. (Removing the need to add subtypes to the traits section)
  • An easier way to find any subtype by using the ML subtype search bar. (How-to Guide provided below)
  • All Sub-Species will all be listed under one species category called "Grem". (How to guide provided below)
How will Grems be presented in the Masterlist with this New Change?
  • All Grems will now be listed under one species classification (Grem), and Grem hybrids and the like will be classified under the "Subtypes" section. All Subtypes include: hybrids (Snowgrem, Mantagrem, Growl), Cypherus, Weregrems, Witches,ย  and more!masterlist%20visual%202025.png
What changes are we to expect with this update?
  • Worry not, the classifications of your grems will be not changing.
    They will still retain all their appropriate subtypes if they have any. They'll just be updated to match this new display method. (Its basically just a cosmetic change for the masterlist!)

  • How you search for Grems in the masterlist will be changed and work a little differently now. It's a small change but could possibly take some getting used to for some users, so here is a breakdown on how you'll search up Grems in the masterlist system from here on out.

  • All Grem species will now be listed under one species classification (Grem), now you will need to use the Subtypes section in order to search for specific species types.

  • search%20how%20to%20guide%202025.png

This change will be going into effect immediately, so if you see things being moved around on the masterlist, then that's why! This update might take us a little bit of time, so patience is appreciated, but we think it will make things easier in the long run going forward!

A Minor Trait Update!

Recently we have pushed a tiny update to the information for the following wing traits: Cherub, Bat, and Insect. To allow these traits to be used in conjunction with Growls! As Growls are a discontinued species, this is a change that will affect only a handful of users, but for those that do own Growls, we thought it might be worth letting you know of this update in case any of these traits were of interest to you that weren't usable before.


Seasonal Prompt REMINDER: Winter โ„

[Click Here to be taken to the prompt page!]

The Winter Seasonal Prompt will be ending February 28th, 11:59PM EST, so be sure to get your prompts in on time before the deadline!ย 


New F2U Bases Page Added!

We also wanted to mention that we recently have added a page for Free To Use Grem bases provided by the community! This page can be found under the "MYO and Redesigns" section of the Guides page, and will also be linked in the "Resource Links" area of the Discord. Anyone is also free to submit a request to have their F2U base added to this page at any time. Please read the page info to find out more about how to do that!

Hopefully this makes finding available bases a bit easier for those wanting to use them when working on their designs! :D


๐Ÿ’–Upcoming February Sale + Mini Raffle ๐Ÿ’–

A small Admin sale is currently in the works for the month of February. This will be a Valentines themed set that will likely release sometime around the middle/end of the month. There will be a total of 3 grems for sale. Designs will be by Mrgremble, Sleepy, Acember, plus one free raffle design graciously provided by the lovely Snappy! (Thank you!)ย 

Discord Rule Update for the Ad Channels

A small update for our Discord server members, all advert channel rules will be modified to address NSFW advertising and 18+ content in more detail. The rules are listed as followed:

  • TH links (or any other links) are required to have the proper content warnings on their account if applicable, as well as content warnings on any NSFW imagery provided (If NSFW is present). If not present, then the links will be removed and a warning will be issued.
  • 18+ Advertisments pertaining to anything explicit (See Server Rules to what entails as explicit) is prohibited and will be removed from the channel.
  • Users are allowed to apply the "18+ affiliation" warnings on their ad form ONLY if they wish to not affiliate or do business with underaged users. This is not an allowance for users to advertise NSFW publicly.

That concludes all of the updates for now! Thank you for Reading, we hope to have more for you soon~

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