The main currency for Palleth is known as Gibs. You are able to earn Gibs through participation in certain prompts and events hosted onsite, and occasionally through other means as well. 

This payout system will apply to most all prompt and event related activities so you may use this guide as reference when tallying your earnings. 

(Note that some prompts may not allow for bonuses so please be sure to double check and read all prompt info before submitting your entries.)

This guide will show the payout rewards and requirements for earning  gibs. Please note that at this time it is still a work in progress and may be subject to change in the future as we expand upon ways to earn currency and continue to try and balance our system. 



 Drawn entries will automatically receive a base payout of 10 gibs when submitting a piece that meets the minimum requirements listed below. This category applies to illustrations, comics, & animation.

> (Please note, if submitting a drawn piece you do not have to add this amount to the rewards yourself, it will automatically be added for you!)

  • Minimum requirement of 50% of a Grem must be shown.
  • Should at minimum be cleanly lined. (Lineless work is allowed but must be cleanly portrayed, lineless pieces will automatically receive the color bonus so long as it meets the requirements listed.)
  • Your piece is not required to be colored.
  • Backgrounds and shading are not required.
    • (While backgrounds will generally not be required, we still may ask that users show a hint of the setting (whether it be through the use of props or miscellaneous details) to clearly meet a prompt's requirements for those certain prompts where the setting is a key point of the prompt. (For example, communicating that it's winter season by including a scarf on your grem, or that a grem is at a festival by adding in festival lights, etc.))
  • Piece should clearly depict the events of the prompt and be created specifically for the event/prompt. Pre-existing pieces and commissions/trades cannot be submitted as entries.
  • If your character is heavily obstructed/obscured (Whether by blurring, effects, clothing, or shading.) so much so that we cannot tell who/where they are or easily make out the details in the piece, then your entry will be declined. 
  • Please note that characters classified as NPC's should not be used in prompt entries unless otherwise specified by the prompt.  Instead please use one of your own Grems, a player owned grem, or a community Grem as the main focus! 




Below is a list of bonuses that may be applied to your illustrated entry, if it meets the requirements listed.

 ∆ (ILLUSTRATED) EXTRA CHARACTER BONUS: + 4 GIBS granted per additional Grem present in an entry.
  • At least 50% of the additional Grem must be showing in order to be eligible to receive the bonus.
  • Bonus is granted per Grem up to a max of 3 additional Grems. 
  • Grem may be owned by yourself or another player.
    • Main Character --> No bonus || (1 character total in the image)
    • Main Character + 1 Extra Grem --> +4g || (2 characters  total in the image)
    • Main Character + 2 Extra Grems --> +8g || (3 characters total in the image)
    • Main Character + 3 Extra Grems --> +12g || (4 characters total in the image)
  • This bonus does not apply to Story NPC’s. The Story NPC bonus is counted separately from this bonus. 
  • This bonus does not apply to Community Grems. 


  • This bonus can be earned when AT LEAST 1 Grem included in an entry belongs to another player and not yourself.
  • At least 50% of the Grem must be showing in order to be eligible to receive the bonus.
  • Including your own Grems, companions/mounts/items will still allow the entry to receive the gift bonus, but at least 1 Grem must belong to another player in order to be eligible.  
  •  While they may be included, Story Characters/NPC’s and Community Grems do NOT count towards the gift bonus. It has to be a Grem owned by another user! 
  • This is an overall bonus that can only be earned once per entry, and does not stack per character.


∆ (ILLUSTRATED) COMMUNITY GREM BONUS: + 2 GIBS (Available Community Grems)
  • At least 50% of the Community Grem must be shown. 
  • Bonus can only be earned once per entry, regardless of the number of Community Grem’s present. 
  • This bonus is counted separately from the Extra Character Bonus and Gift Bonus. Community Grem’s included in a prompt entry will not count towards the Extra Character Bonus or Gift Bonus and will instead receive this bonus.


  • Bonus granted for adding full flat color to a piece. Shading is not required.
  • Entire image is required to be fully colored. Any background present is also required to be fully colored.
  • Monochromatic/Achromatic coloring will not count towards this bonus.




⭐ When creating a background for your illustrated piece, you have the choice to apply ONE of the two bonuses below.
  • This bonus will apply in the case of a partial or platform background. The backgrounds do not need to encompass the entire canvas and can be cropped or minimally drawn. (Please see examples below for reference.) 
  • Background must fully illustrate the location and theme of any given prompt. 
  • The background does not need to be colored, but at minimum should be cleanly lined.
  • Character must be within the piece and incorporated into the scene.


  • This bonus only applies to Full scene backgrounds. The background must fill the entire canvas and fully encompass and incorporate all characters present within the entry. (Please see the examples below for reference.)
  • Background must fully illustrate the location and theme of any given prompt. 
  • The background does not need to be colored, but at minimum should be cleanly lined & meet an engaging standard.
  • A very simplistic background that shows just the ground and the sky, for example, would not count for this bonus but would instead count towards the partial/platform bonus. In order to count for this bonus, backgrounds should display an immersive level of environmental depth between character and setting.




Written  entries will automatically receive a base payout of 10 gibs when submitting a piece that meets the minimum requirements listed below.

> (Please note, if submitting a written piece you do not have to add this amount to the rewards yourself, it will automatically be added for you!)

  • Written entries must be at least 800 words minimum.
  • Entry must clearly describe the events of the prompt.
  • If submitting through a google doc entry, please be sure your link is set to “shareable” so that it can be opened and viewed by the prompt team.
  • Entry should be legible and clear otherwise it will be rejected. Large blocks of text that lack any form of punctuation or line separation are not easy for us to read and we may ask you to edit your piece to include those if this is the case. 
  • Please note that characters classified as NPC's should not be used in prompt entries unless otherwise specified by the prompt. They can be briefly mentioned if they are topical but otherwise instead please use one of your own Grems, a player owned grem, or a community Grem as the focus! 



Below is a list of bonuses that may be applied to your written entry, if it meets the requirements listed. 

∆ (WRITTEN) EXTRA WORD COUNT BONUS = Bonus earned per reaching certain word count tiers. Please use the chart below to calculate your total bonus earned.
    • The bonus cap is 2,000 words, you may optionally write beyond the cap; however, gibs will no longer be rewarded past this point.

  • In order for this bonus to apply, your piece must have an additional, separately written piece that is written entirely about or from the perspective of another players' Grem(s). 
  • The additional piece must be a minimum of 200 words. 
  • The word count of this separate additional piece CAN count toward the word count of your main entry up to the word cap. (Ex: main prompt @ 1,200 words + gift writing @ 200 words = 1,400 words overall total will grant 6 gibs total from the word count bonus.) 
  • No Grems owned by you can be included in the additional gift piece, though they can be breifly mentioned by name.
  • The gift piece MUST be clearly visually separated from the main written entry. (Ex: using visible dividers, separate titles, or horizontal rules to clarify where it begins and ends.) 
  • Including your own companions/mounts/items will still allow you to receive the gift bonus. However your own Grems cannot be included in the gift piece.
  • Story characters/NPC’s, and Community Grems do not count towards the gift bonus, it has to be a Grem owned by another user! (They may still be included in the piece but will not award the gift bonus on their own.)
  • This is an overall bonus that can only be earned once per entry, and does not stack per character.
  • Community Grem must be mentioned by name in at least one 1-2 sentences in order to receive the bonus.
  • Bonus can only be earned once per entry, regardless of the number of Community Grem’s present. 
  • NPC Grems do NOT count towards the Community Grem bonus. 
  • This bonus is counted separately from the Gift Bonus. Community Grems included in a prompt entry will not count towards the Gift Bonus and will instead receive this bonus. 




Trinket items will grant bonuses when used in certain prompt or event entries.(Unless otherwise specified by the prompt.)
Their individual bonus effects can be seen on their item description.

In order to receive the bonus for using these trinket items: 

  • Simply attach the item to your entry/submission form and it will count!
  • Simply attach the item to your entry/submission form and it will count!
  • In order to be eligible to receive the bonus, the item used must also be owned by you. 
  • Trinket item bonuses do not stack and can only be gained once per entry. 
    • Meaning multiple trinket items (whether they be of the same or differing types) will not allow you to "stack" their bonus effects. You may include more than one if you'd like for visual flare, but only one item’s bonus will be prioritized. Please let us know which when submitting. 


  • Trinket bonuses CAN stack with Companion/Mount  bonuses. 
  • Trinket bonuses CAN stack with Ward's Blessing bonuses.


Ward's Blessing BONUSES

Ward's Blessings are items, typically granted by Wards, Demi-Wards, or sometimes Spirits, and can grant certain bonuses when used in certain prompt or event entries.(Unless otherwise specified by the prompt.)
Their individual bonus effects can be seen on their item description.

In order to receive the bonus for using these items: 

  • must show the item included somewhere in the piece. It should be clearly visible and must be being worn or used in some way. 

Must include a sentence or two where the item is mentioned by name. 

  • In order to be eligible to receive the bonus, the item used must also be owned by you. 
  • Ward's Blessing bonuses do not stack and can only be gained once per entry.
    • Meaning multiple Ward's Blessing items (whether they be of the same or differing types) will not allow you to "stack" their effects. You may include more than one if you'd like for visual flare, but only one item’s effects will be prioritized. Please let us know which when submitting. 


  • Ward's Blessing bonuses CAN stack with Companion/Mount  bonuses. 
  • Ward's Blessing bonuses CAN stack with Trinket bonuses.





Registered Companions and Mounts will grant bonuses when used in certain prompt or event entries. (Unless otherwise specified by the prompt.)
Their individual bonus effects can be seen below and will also be listed  in their species descriptions. 

- Will grant + 3 gibs when included in a prompt entry.


- Will grant + 4 gibs when included in a prompt entry.


 In order to receive the bonus for using these Companions/Mounts: 




  • In order to be eligible to receive the bonus, the Companion/mount used in your entry must also be owned by you. 
  • You can only gain one Companion AND one Mount bonus per entry. (Meaning you may use 1 companion AND 1 Mount together per entry.) 
  • Pet/Mount bonuses CAN stack with Trinket and Ward's Blessing bonuses. 


 Gold Standard Bonus

The Gold Standard can be applied to a Companion or Mount through the use of a "Gold Standard Ribbon" item. This item will upgrade your Companion or Mount to the "Gold Standard" permanently. Companions/Mounts who have been upgraded to the Gold Standard will receive an additional +4 onto their respective prompt bonuses. 

Companions: 3+4 = +7 total prompt bonus.
Mounts: 4+4 = +8 total prompt bonus. 

  • The gold standard may only be applied once to any Pet or Mount. It cannot be applied multiple times for additional bonuses. 
  • A companion/Mount that has had the Gold Standard applied to it can be identified by the icon in its status.



Who can participate? 

  • Unless otherwise specified, most prompts/events are open to anyone (with an account) to join, and there is a limit of one entry per person.

What if I don’t have a grem? Can I use/include other people’s Grems? 

  • Unless otherwise specified by the prompt itself, you are allowed to use Grems owned by others or Community Grems as the main Grem for your entry as long as they meet the minimum requirements listed above for your entry type.
    • Please be sure you have permission from other owners before including/using their Grems in your entry!! (Story characters and Community Grems also do not count towards gift bonuses, it has to be a Grem owned by another user!) You can view characters open for gift art here.

    • Please do not use NPC Grems in a prompt unless it's specified that it is ok to do so by that prompt. 


  • Any Grems present in your entry must have an up-to-date masterlist entry, and all designs present in an entry must match with their current masterlist images.

  • Any additional forms present on a grems masterlist entry are considered canonical and are valid to use for prompts unless otherwise specified by the prompt. (Ex: A Snowgrem’s animal form.)


  • Collabs are not allowed, the entire entry must be created solely by you!

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please do not submit works that are not your own.
    • Artwork cannot be traced or made using pre-existing templates/bases  (including memes.) (References towards memes are ok, but the piece should still be largely original content.)
    • Piece should be created specifically for the event. Pre-existing pieces and commissions/trades cannot be submitted as entries.

  • When submitting your entry, please be sure to fill out the "Characters" and "Rewards" section, as well as any forms needed in the "Comments" section. Submissions that fail to do this may be sent back to the user so that characters used and any reward choices they may have forgotten can be added. 


What kind of setting can I draw my grem in?

  • For prompts where a setting is specified, if you are including a background, your entry should clearly depict the setting presented within the prompt. You are free to interpret the setting as you like, and do not have to exactly copy what is shown in the example image, but as an example, if the prompt takes place at a countryside fair and your entry shows your character at home, that will not count as a valid entry to that prompt. If a setting is a requirement, it will be clearly specified!

  • While backgrounds will generally not be required, we still may ask that users show a hint of the setting (whether it be through the use of props or miscellaneous details) to clearly meet a prompt's requirements for those certain prompts where the setting is a key point of the prompt. (For example, communicating that it's winter season by including a scarf on your grem, or that a grem is at a festival by adding in festival lights, etc.)

  • As always please be sure to double check the requirements for the specific prompt you are participating in as some may still require the inclusion of simple backgrounds!