
Tebu (Forest Casual)

Tebu (Forest Casual)

Status: Companion

Species Availability: Closed Species,  cannot make your own

Introduced / Native: Native

Size: 1-1.5 ft


Location: All forested Continents 

Habitat: Healthy forested ranges with ample shade. Preferably old growth forests.

Base: ( Tebu ) You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!



Tebu are said to be the reborn manifestations of stray energy given a purpose by the forest themselves.

These creatures tend to behave with a sense of extreme mischief, not out of malice or unkindness, but instead as a way to ‘test’ a person’s spiritual fortitude. They have an innate ability to sense the nature of a person’s heart and will act in ways that could either strengthen and encourage a gentle soul or that would punish or humiliate a malicious being. They sometimes also like to act generally impish for fun and personal enjoyment, and might show up and vanish at times when least expected.

All Tebu wear unique masks fashioned with various styles and have a fascination with carrying long sticks to use them as a general tool.They are adverse to intense light as they are photosensitive and prefer the shade in which dense underbrush provides.

These creatures have a will of their own and are less like actual pets and more like wandering spirit companions. They will not listen to commands and cannot be controlled, but it’s possible to gain their trust overtime.

Misc Facts: 

  • Tebu lack any reproductive organs and instead reproduce via collecting spritiual energy to make new offspring, these new souls are embued into the masks they are born into.
  • Mint can be used as a repellant to keep Tebu out of your home. 
  • These critters do not have a need to consume physical nutrients, but instead consume energy from the forest itself.
  • The social status of a Tebu is signified by the "staff" they hold, a Tebu without a holding stick are typically either  lowest on the pecking order OR are younglings seeking a staff of their own. 
  • When a "staff" is chosen, it will shrink to a size fit for them, and will be embued with their spiritual energy. This tool allows a Tebu to teleport short distances, enchant small items, and much more.



Basic Design Rules


Physical Requirements:

  • Full body must be furred with bare hands and feet
  •  Requires a mask with horns and a carved animalistic face
  • Must have a staff or long tool of some sort that it holds like a staff 
  • (Optional) Tail

Available Colours & Markings ✔️

  • Hands and feet of Tebu need to be dark in colour.
  • All Colours and Markings are available for this species



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