
Shiffri (Stone Spirit)

Shiffri (Stone Spirit)

Status: Companion

Species Availability: Closed, cannot make your own

Introduced / Native: Native

Size: 2-3ft

Location: Found everywhere.

Habitat: Typically found in forested areas, but it isn’t uncommon to find them in grasslands, rocky regions, villages, cities, and more. 

Base: (Base Link) You are only able to use this base if you own a ticket to create one!



Also called stone spirits, or stone goats, the Shiffri are a wandering ethereal species created by the run-off of residual spiritual energy.
Their bodies are made entirely of stone and adorn a hard wooden mask. Each Shiffri’s mask is carved in the face of a human mixed with some form of animal, and can have a variety of different facial hair types sprouting from their masks.

This creature’s common characteristics are resting in one place for days, though some will rest for months, years, or even longer. They’re incredibly heavy in this state, making them near impossible to move. It’s said that forcing a Shiffri to move will give you endless bad luck, or worse.. Could cut years off of your life.

Shiffri are also known for walking silently and only at night. They are very sensitive animals and will become anxious if stared at. This will cause them to become stationary once again. You will find Shiffri commonly around bustling areas, or places with heavy amounts of spiritual energy, as it’s fabled that this species feeds off of said energy.

Though a nuisance to some, Shiffri are also highly revered in many other cultures, these cultures commonly adorn their stone bodies with offerings of silks and high quality outfits in exchange for them to provide their village with spiritual protection.




Basic Design Rules

Physical Requirements:

  • Must have a body made of stone
  • A single wood mask is required (carved animalistic and/or human)
  • Must have one set of horns and four feet (feet can be any foot type) 

Available Colours & Markings ✔️

  • Stone body are required to be a series of Dark colour (Eg: blacks, browns, and/or greens, darl blues etc), bright saturated colours are not accepted.

  • Wood mask can be based off of any kind of wood and can be any colour.

  • Can be adorned with outfits, trinkets, accessories, and/or can be covered in plants which can be brightly coloured.

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