Lubra (Ghoast)
Status: Mount
Species Availability: Open , you can make your own
Rarity: Common (1)
Introduced / Native: Native
Location: Rallome & Austrum
Habitat: Frigid Mountain sides
Base: Lubra
Lubra are a shy goat-like species that live primarily on high altitude mountain environments. on this terrain they use the treacherous and rocky mountain side as a form of advantage for their survival against hunting predators, this makes them a successful species as very few attempt to predate on them. Their bright thick wooly coats aid them in withstanding frigid temperatures , especially at night. Male Lubra will typically have denser longer fur around the neck and backside regions to show off their health and overall physique, as well as work to accentuate the size of their head and horns.
All sexes of Lubra grow 2 large Crescent shaped horns on their head. The larger set called the "Galla Horn" typically grow in first while the smaller "Fel Horn" will grow in later in life. Fel horns possess a unique ability to luminesce, this is achieved by Lubra gorging themselves on a certain type of plant that only sprouts during their breeding season. When this season comes around, Lubra will consume, resource guard, and battle for their right to gain the ability to partake in the luminscence dance, which requires a glowing Fel horn to participate.
Once night falls and the conditions are right, Lubra will then begin to bound around and fluctuate the glow in their Fel horn to show off their fitness and attract mates who are interested. These gorgeous displays are a great favourite among locals, and have become an attraction to eco-tourists. The Lubra dances go by many names, including the "lunar dance" and the "Fel Galla", all names attributing in someway to the double moons of Palleth.
Misc Facts:
- The large fur on the back legs of Males can be easily pulled off, this is used as a "get away" tactic if a predator is able to grab hold of the back of them. Because of this, Lubra fur is easily collectable, making them saught after fauna to collect from.
- It isn't unusual to see Lubra with unevenly shaped horns, there has been frequent documentation of Lubra with larger Moon horns and smaller main horns or vice versa on record.
- Lubra have a unique set of eyes which can dialate to let in more light, as well as a reflective film called a tapetum, giving them the ability to see better in the dark.
- Their diet consists of grasses, shrubs, salt and small insects.
Basic Design Rules
Physical Requirements:
- Wooly body with cloven hooves.
- Short ears.
- 2 sets of horns resting ontop of each other.
- Males require Mane around the neck.
- Small short tail.
Available Colours & Markings ✔️
- Only gradients and natural markings are allowed.
- Body should be light in colour while the legs & face are dark.
- Horns must be naturally coloured.
- ONLY the "Fel Horn" can glow. Able to glow any colour.
- Bioluminescence can be anywhere on the body but MUST be strictly an accent.