Paid Mutation
Paid mutations are traits which are not free for use, and must either be acquired on grems directly through official means (official sales, raffles), or via the use of certain applicator items.
When present, they may also increase the value of an adoptable, whether it be by raising the base price of a grem sale with mutations, or a rare grem myo slot.
In lore, these traits are very hard to pinpoint and only tend to show up at random, rather than being specificially activated when the grem is genetically designed.
Paid mutations applied via the use of certain applicator items may become locked (🔒) to a grem when applied. (ex: a paid mutation applied via a potion will become locked to that grem.) These locked mutations may not be swapped out for other paid mutations in future redesigns, only restyled or removed.
Paid mutations applied via a mutation ticket, or acquired through official means (sales, raffles, etc.) will not become locked.
If not locked, then those specific paid mutations may be swapped out for other paid mutations, restyled, or removed in future redesigns.
Please keep in mind, if a paid mutation is removed from a grem, then in order to re-add it in the future it will need to be re-applied via the use of an applicator item.