
<a href=" Demon Combo (Old)" class="display-item">Ticket: Demon Combo (Old)</a>

Ticket: Demon Combo (Old)

Category: Retired Items

Discontinued: This item has been discontinued. If you own this item and would like to use it, please contact an admin in order to learn more. It will still function as intended but will not be distributed again in the future. Instead new items will replace this older/outdated version. 


Description & Requirement:

This ticket you rewards you with the following:

Bat Wings + Demon Tail +  Horned to one of your grem! (3 paid mutations in total)

  • Required to apply Horned or Bat Wings if the Grem lacks these traits.
  • Demon Tail (Now Spade) will automatically give you a Paid Mutation resubstitution.
  • If your grem already has  one or all of these traits, you may replace one or any of them with a Paid Mutation of your choice.

Illustrations by Mrgremble

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