Applicator: Salted Icecream
" A delicious and creamy treat made with fresh Baum milk, and sprinkled with just a hint of salt harvested from the sprawling salt flats near Eden's Bath. It comes in a variety of flavors and is a Santopae specialty for keeping cool in the Angyn heat."
Usage guide:
- Gives your grem the Exclusive Trait [Aquatic Tail]
- Can be crafted in the [Crafting Area] with the use of [Crafting Recipe].
- 1 Use only. Item is consumed upon use.
- This applicator will only add the specified Exclusive Trait listed above. Once applied, the Exclusive Trait CANNOT be swapped out for other Exclusive traits in any future design updates, and will be marked with a 🔒 beside the trait it corresponds to.
- Trait can only be applied to these Grem types: All.
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