<a href="https://gremcorpsarpg.com/world/items?name=Applicator: Lofty Extension Potion" class="display-item">Applicator: Lofty Extension Potion</a>

Applicator: Lofty Extension Potion

Category: Consumable

Artist: Mrgremble

"This beverage is a prized delicacy in many regions, as it's made with some of the rarest ingredients around and offers a sweet and pleasant taste. Grems with wing mutations are particularly affected by this glittering drink as it appears to cause their wings to grow to larger sizes! "


Usage guide



  • 1 Use only. Item is consumed upon use.
  • This potion does NOT add wings, it can only be used on a grem with an already existing wing mutation.
  • This applicator will only add the specified mutation listed above. Once applied, the mutation CANNOT be swapped out for other mutations in any future design updates, and will be marked with a 🔒 beside the trait it corresponds to.
  • To use this item, simply submit a design update for the character you wish to use it on, and add this item into the "Add-Ons" section of your design update request.
  • Cannot stack uses to make wings any larger than its first use.


Credits: Art by Mrgremble


Evie's Potion Shop

Purchaseable At: