Ticket: Mutation
Congrats on getting a Mutation ticket! If you have received this ticket then you are able to use it to add ONE paid mutation onto a pre-existing grem! You have access to all of the Paid mutations!
Usage guide:
- Use this item to apply x1 Paid Mutation to your grem.
- 1 Use only. Item is consumed upon use.
- A Paid Mutation added via the use of this ticket, CAN later be swapped out for a different Paid Mutation in a design update.
- Please be sure to double check whether the mutation you are adding counts as paid or free for the specific subtype of grem you are using it on. (Ex: horns is paid for standard grems, but is free for mantagrems.)
- To use this item, simply submit a design update for the character you wish to use it on, and add this item into the "Add-Ons" section of your design update request.
Credits: Art by Mrgremble
Purchaseable At: