<a href="https://gremcorpsarpg.com/world/items?name=Theme Scroll: White Snowflakes" class="display-item">Theme Scroll: White Snowflakes</a>

Theme Scroll: White Snowflakes

Category: Consumable


" A Snowflake theme to immerse you into the cold weather of the season. This is created for the Day time lovers!

Credit to GummySprouts for the banner art!"


Usage guide


Gains you a website theme that you are able to apply to your account!

  • 1 Use only. Item is consumed upon use.

  • To apply this item, find your theme scroll in your inventory to redeem your theme. Once redeemed, go to your profile settings, under the "THEME" section you will edit your theme within the "decorator theme" drop down area. (Recommended to use this theme with "Light" or "Default" Base theme)
  • Visual




Purchaseable At: