๐ฎ โ Update Announcement: 12-19-23
Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by MrgrembleUpdate Announcement
Hello everyone! Coming in with a list of small updates. โ
Free Raffles
โปWe will be hosting a few small raffles for this season, Shinamire was also kind in offering their pet tokens to the community if users were interested in entering for a Gib Grub pet. This creature was entirely made by them, so please give them some love for their creation! https://gremcorpsarpg.com/world/species?name=Gib%20Grub
Available Raffles:
โGib Grub Raffle: https://gremcorpsarpg.com/raffles/view/35
โ5 Snowgrem MYO Raffle: https://gremcorpsarpg.com/raffles/view/36
We would also like to put out a small free raffle of 3 pre-mades for January, we will be looking for a couple of guest artists who would like to contribute designs to those raffles.
If an artist is interested in participating in creating a grem raffle to raffle off for free, then please enter yourself in the link below:
โ Guest Artist Application: https://forms.gle/6czRxAbdscgsc7Ei7
Mod Application Update
These are still pending on our end. We're trying to get some last minute prepping done along with a few other things taken care of and ready for new mods, once those are done, the next step will be to set up the applications. We'll put out an update with the apps once its finally time.
Invite Reminder
Sending invites to gain access to the Discord will now only be handled through claims & contacting Mrgremble. If you lack a grem account, then you can DM Mrgremble via DA/TH/Twitter/ or DM on Discord.
Their other handles can be found here:
Reminder Posts
โthis is a reminder that we have created a poll to gather data from the community, please give us your input to our poll below!
โPlease keep in mind that this is only information we intend to gather, there is no promise that we will be coming to a final decision just on this information alone due to complexity.
Age Range Poll - https://forms.gle/c7ibnueZ8ikqCgMn8
Sales Poll
A sale poll will be hosted soon at the end of December! However I'd like to see what users are interested in, so a poll was set up to see if there was any interest in anything specific. Feel free to give your input in the link below!
Sale Poll Link: https://forms.gle/UPaTVct8STvtwUHS9
Snappy's Corner ๐
Not an update but curiosity! โ
Den has been concocting Gremcorps website themes once again (as what was offered during Halloween that we collaborated on) and was curious if anyone would like to participate in creating an art banner? The banner space of what she's working on is currently empty, vacant, and would look super lovely with one of your art pieces if it fits dimensions and theme.ย
All that would be required is the following:
โปRequired Dimensions: 1276 x 200 pixels [width x height]
โปRequired Theme: Grems in Winter (Day or night; festive is accepted)
โปYour respected consent to display it on the Gremcorps site
โปWatermark credit in the bottom corner
Rules & Instructions:
โป Art is in a day or night setting (indoors and outdoors is fine)
โปCollabs are accepted
โป Artwork made in the past or present if it fits within the dimensions
Reward: Grem2 MYO slot + 1 Mutation Ticket
Submission form: https://forms.gle/FZBvjRg17Byrj7UZ7
We of course don't want to pressure anyone to give their artwork, but instead are curious if anyone would like to help out and like to display within the new seasonal theme. Thanks! ๐