grem2 guide


 Here is a visual example of what a Grem2 refsheet needs for approval.
Please read below to see what is available to you when creating your Grem2!

Visual base by @mrgremble
Masterlist Reference Requirements:

◈ Clear Full-body image of the Grem2.
◈ Blood Colour Swatch of their Dominant and Recessive Colour.
◈ A "Recessive Rush" Headshot, illustrating the Grem2 changing. "Blood Colour Rules"

  • Shading allowances above illustrate what would pass in an approval process. If your reference sheet uses too much shading to obsure the Grem's blood colour areas, then it will be sent back with a request to fix this.
  • Please keep shading minimal or non-existant when submitting to the masterlist!


Teeth Rules

Art Credit: Backwardssnappy
  • Grem2 and all hybrids (except Cypherus) will have a choice between black, white, or a "stained" yelow tinge colour. The image provided will be the colour limitations that a user is required to adhere to when designing your grem. Choosing colours outside of this range will be denied. (EG: coloured teeth of any hue)

Trait Availability

 Every trait in the “Public  and Free Mutation” categories here are available to Grem2 upon either creation or redesign. You can mix and merge the traits within their placement categories (eg: all tail traits can be merged). Below will guide you through the key components of a Grem2's visual!

Ear, Tail and Fur Length
⚠Rule of thumb: Keep your Grem2's traits within logical feasibility when creating them. If a Grem looks to us as if it struggles greatly with its traits given, then we are liable to request a change to fit within anatomical rules. 

  • Ears can be as long as their descriptions allow, though be sure to read the requirements of your desired ear trait!
    • Can have as many ears as the head allows if using Mock Trait. (See "Mock Ears" for info)
    • Any ear that droops downward to the floor is required to have "City Claws" on them (See "City Ears" for info).

  • Tails can be 2 body lengths long as their upper limit. Small tails must be present.
    • Taillessness is not available. 

  • Fur can come in all types and lengths when using the "Pedigree Fur" trait (Eg: Curly, straight, long)
    • Fur cannot extend past the hocks of a grem. 

How to Acquire Other Traits

Linked below are all other traits that can be acquired through items found in our shops, events and other activities, you can read up on every trait category to help where to acquire them in their descriptions. 

◈ Paid Mutations
◈ Seasonal Traits
◈ Afflictions



Blood Guide

Grem2 harbour 2 blood colours, called the Dominant and Recessive bloods. All about Grem2 blood including their history, its modern changes, guides, and how it affects a Grem all throughout the body can be found in our Blood Guide!

Default Anatomy Requirements

All grem2 are required to have these anatomical features unless one of their traits modifies it from their original form. 

◈ Digi-grade legs.
◈ Forked tongue.
◈ 5 fingers on each hand.
◈ Rounded egg shape head with no visible nose indent.
◈ atleast one tail (up to a max of 3)
◈ atleast one set of ears.

Misc Information

◈ Grem2 can have whiskers.
◈ Grem2 sweat somewhat similar to horses.
◈ Grem2 can see in the dark using tapetum lucidum, can also see in infrared vision.
◈ Grem2 can grow hair similar to a human.



General Information

All Grem2 sustain themselves on an Omnivorous Diet. (Consumes both plants & meat) 
                ▫ Can adapt to a vegan or carnivorous diet by choice.

Height Limitations
Shortest = 5ft (152.4cm)
Tallest = 7ft (213.36cm)

Body Types
    Grem2 can come in all body types similar to a human's range of body shape. The body shape of a Grem2 has to be one of a basic physique without breasts, nipples or genitalia. 


     Grem2 are a hybridized species created by man centuries in the past. They had been primarily designed to become companions that could give a helping hand for people in need. Grem2 were created at a time when the human population had struggled to grow on Palleth, resulting in the creation of the Grem2 species, which aided considerably in filling in a very large chunk of the missing population back in the old times. They had become integral parts of the work force, bolstering production and expansion at an alarming rate, with a growing humanity by their side.

In the modern age, Grem2 are now either a companion, family, or a free roaming individual, as laws change in favour of the protection and freedom of a grem's autonomy. However, there are many people that aim to reverse these morality laws, which is where you come in to stop this reversal from happening!

Social Structure

     Grem2 are characterized as having a high social nature, however every Grem is different depending on their upbringing. They bond very deeply with ones that they trust, and can create very large and complex social structures given the opportunity.

The collective mindset is normally a common thought process among Grems, but it isn't uncommon to run into individualistic or otherwise different-minded Grems that have been heavily altered by their environment and upbringing.

Grem2 can normally get along with anyone, including fauna, as long as they are taught the ropes of their social structures. 

Grem2 Lifespan

     Because all Grems are a manufactured species, every Grem created starts off growing within a creation tech called the "Birthing Tube" (Or BT for short).  BT's serve as a "womb" in where Grems are grown quickly to become 18 to 20 years of age before being born into the world. It can take upwards of 2 to 5 years for a grem2 to become fully grown. 

Once born, the lifespan of a Grem2 can range between 80-120 years as a grem ages into its elderly stage of life. It can be common to see their fur grow white and/or silver hairs in abundance across their bodies, but particularly in the facial region (Similar to a dog where the muzzle and brows become gradually whiter as they age).

Grem2 and Hybrids

 As technology has advanced over the years, Hybridization has expanded its roots to more ambitious avenues. This experimental phase in Gremcorps' history had created a large amount of scientific interest, eventually resulting in the creation of a few iconic hybrid grem species that we see today. 

These hybrids are primarily used for more specialized jobs, from Mantagrems being utilized for deep sea and other underwater research, to Snowgrems for working in the unforgiving conditions of the sub-arctic regions, and everything in between.  These hybrids are built to reach new heights in scientfic advancements!

To learn more about each hybrid, click the links below:

◈ Mantagrem

◈ Snowgrem

◈ Growl (Discontinued Species)
        ▫ If you own a Growl and would like a guide on how to redesign them. Create a claim or DM Mrgremble via Discord.

Grem2 and Afflictions

Afflictions only occur when an otherworldly being has affected a grem via casting either a spell, curse, or otherworldly modification in their anatomy. Afflictions are commonly characterized as being a misfortunate mutation put upon a grem in some fashion. Some of these afflictions can range from being completely harmless or superficial to the grem, to causing a considerable amount of detriment.

Here are some Afflictions that are available below:

◈ E-T and Predatory Affliction