Trait Category Changes and New System Update

Posted 2 years and 4 months ago :: Last edited 2 years and 4 months ago by Acember

 Hello everyone, 

As a follow up to one of our more recent updates, we wanted to let you all know about a few upcoming changes and new things we plan to implement as we continue along with arpg development.

First Let’s start with the recent Change(s):

The "Use it or Lose it" System.
Moving forward, and from this point onwards, Grems whose mutations are removed via redesigns, design reversions, or design updates, will not be able to add those mutations back onto their design without use of a mutation applicator item. (items such as Mutation Tickets for example.)

In the past it has been exceedingly rare that anyone would ever completely remove a mutation from a Grem’s design. In fact we would only see such instances crop up maybe once or twice in a blue moon. So few that we never really had any established processes for how to handle removing and re-adding mutations in design updates, and as such when they did occur they were treated on an individual, case-by-case basis. 


Typically, rather than removing mutations altogether from a Grem, people will instead swap mutations around for ones they prefer more, (ex changing horned to cherub, or begemmed to scale plate.) This new system will only affect those who are entirely removing mutations from their designs altogether. 




 What do I do if I want to revert my Grem that has horns, to a previous design, and the previous version does not have horns?

 If you do not wish to lose the horned mutation on your Grem, then you will simply need to add horned into the previous design, either by editing the old art (as always, with permission if you are not the original artist.) or by redrawing the old design yourself to include horns. 

If you are okay with losing the horned mutation, then you can simply revert to the version without it. However; please keep in mind that once you remove a mutation you will not be able to add it back without using a mutation ticket or other mutation applying item!


What happens if I have a Grem with a mutation that was removed and labeled as being able to be used at any time? (EG: my grem had horned and it was removed before this system was implemented, and beforehand admins informed me it was ok to keep it)

  Grems who have been marked as such prior to this point will still retain the ability to add on their mutation in a future design update. However, once the mutation has been officially set/applied, they will be expected to adhere to the new “Use it or Lose it” system. 




Now for the new upcoming things:


Our reason for making the above change ties very strongly into some new additions we are going to be making to the arpg. These additions revolve mainly around the use of items, and things that will be included as purchasable stock in future shops. 


Mutation applicator items 

Along with steadily planning to give you all more ways to earn "Gibs," the in-world Palleth currency, we are hoping to be able to increase our stock of purchasable items slowly over time. An upcoming planned addition to our item pool that we are excited to release are new mutation applicator items. 


What are mutation applicator items?

Basically these are any items that have the ability to apply mutations to a Grem. Each item will work in a slightly different way that will be explained in the item’s description, but to give you all a heads up there will be a slight change to how certain mutation applicator items work going forward to match the system we have set up for the new items we will be adding very soon. We will be separating mutation applicators into 2 different categories from this point onwards. Those categories are as follows: 


Free-Choice Mutation Applicators

These are items such as the "Mutation Ticket" that allow you a free-choice to add x1 of any currently existing paid-mutation onto your Grem. (For example, a Mutation Ticket allows you to add either horns, OR begemmed, OR scale plate, etc.) 

Once used, traits added via these items will be marked on the Grem's masterlist entry, and at any point in the future CAN be swapped out for x1 of any other currently available paid mutation in a redesign/reversion/design update. 


They will be stocked in certain shops and available for purchase in exchange for Gibs that you earn by participating in certain arpg events/prompts/etc. 


Specific Mutation Applicators

These are items that will apply only very specific mutations to your Grem. (For example, a "Horn Potion" may only apply horns to a Grem, it cannot  apply begemmed.) 

Once used, traits added via these items will be visibly marked on the Grem's masterlist entry, and while you can restyle them in any future changes (ex: ram horns to antlers.) they CANNOT at any point be swapped out for any other mutation in a redesign/reversion/design update. (Horns applied using a "horn potion" must always stay horns, they cannot be swapped for begemmed, cherub, etc.) 


These items will be stocked in certain shops and will be available for purchase at a slightly lower price than any "Free-Choice Applicator" items, to allow those of you who know what you would like to add to your Grem a cheaper alternative. If you do not care much about the swapability of a mutation and know you would like to stick with the one you have in mind, then please consider purchasing one of these specific applicators at a slightly lower cost!

If you do want to preserve the swapability of your mutations for any future redesign projects you have, then you would likely prefer to purchase one of the “Free-Choice Mutation Applicators” at the regular/standard purchase price.


If you are ever uncertain of which to buy, each new mutation item we add will have details in its description to explain how it works and what mutation(s) it is able to apply!

Hopefully the separation of mutation applicators into these two categories will allow us to expand upon the amount and types of items we can offer to users who wish to upgrade their Grems, along with being able to offer certain items seasonally or to match with certain themes.


What do I do about my Grems who have had mutations added to them via items in the past?

Not to worry, you don’t need to do anything extra! Any Grems that have had mutations added to them prior to this change will not be treated any differently than Grems who came with their mutation in premade sales. Only items used past this point will be tracked under this new system. 

How will this affect old tickets such as the “bat wing ticket”?

The old bat wing ticket is going to be retired from the item pool. A new item will be taking its place at some point in the future. The new item will adhere to the new rules, but users who have the old item currently in their inventory have been granted x1 mutation ticket to compensate for the change, as it ties into bat wing being recategorized as a trait.


We'd also like to announce that there will be a few category changes for the traits listed below:

  • Dangled (Ear) & Demon Tail will be moved from mutations to public traits that everyone will have the ability to use!
  • Croaker & Bat Wings will be moved from "Early Access" to the "Paid Mutation" category. This will now give anyone with a mutation switchable access to these 2 traits!


While we didn't initially intend for Early Access traits to signify an additional level of rarity beyond normal mutations, we understand that it was our failure to communicate that intent early on that led to a rift in perceived value. Due to this, we will be compensating any user who owns a grem that has any of these traits with a paid mutation ticket.

Note that this compensation should not be expected for changes in rarity for Early Access traits going forward. We will be taking more care in the future to separate what is early access (and still undergoing general testing before being openly released) from features that are actually rare or exclusive.

Users with grems affected by this will be awarded mutation ticket(s) over the next few days. Users who are signed up to the ARPG site will find their tickets in their on-site inventory. Anyone who has not signed up can find their ticket in the Palleth Inventory.

These tickets will be given x1 for every instance of any of these mutations present on your grems. If you have not received your ticket(s) after 1 week from this announcement, please contact an admin in the #admin-help-request channel in our discord!

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