Welcome to the FAQ page! Whether you're new or old to this group, this page should hopefully come in handy for answering some of the most commonly asked questions relating to Gremcorps! If there's something you would like to know that isn't already covered here or elsewhere on site, then try checking out our Rules Page, OR for more specific questions feel free to hop into our Discord and ask there!
◈ General ◈
Q: Is there a Discord? How do I join?
A: Yes! Please read the Discord Perks section provided at the bottom of the page!
Q: How do I change my Username? How do I modify my Alias?
A: In order to have your Username changed, you'll need to make a Claim requesting what you'd like to change your name into, then an admin will change it for you.
Users can change their aliases on their own by going to the account settings page, and pressing the Alias tab on the far left side of the page. There you can add, remove, or change your primary alias.
Q: What does the 🔒 mean on some traits? How come some Grems don't have them?
A: Certain traits, such as paid mutations, will be locked to your Grem if they have been acquired through particular consumable items known as trait applicators! While some traits can usually be swapped out for other traits within the same category and rarity during a redesign, the lock means that you cannot switch out that trait for any other trait, even those within its rarity (Ex: Cherub wings applied via a potion will have a 🔒 present and thus cannot be swapped out for any other paid mutation). These traits can only be removed or kept as is, but if they are removed then they will need to be re-added via another applicator use in the future.
If a lock is not present on a grems trait, then those traits can be swapped for others within the same category. Usually traits without a lock indicate that the grem was either:
- Acquired from an official sale/raffle.
- Had the trait added through the use of a Mutation Ticket.
- OR is an older grem not affected by this change.
Please keep in mind that trait swapping only works for traits under the public traits, and paid mutations categories. For more information on the trait categories, check out the encyclopedia or find them here!
Trait Categories
◈ Art and Design Related ◈
Q: How do I apply to be a Guest Artist?
A: You can fill out the form [Here] to add your name to the Guest Artist Applicants list. Usually a handful of people are picked at random from this list when new Guest Artist openings pop-up.
◈MAsterlist Navigation◈
When searching for Subtypes and Species:
- The masterlist page, by default, will show you all grems listed under the species classification "Grem."
- To search only for specific Grem Subtypes, you will have to use the "Species Subtypes" drop down and select the Subtype you are searching for from the list. (Be sure to have the species selected before you hit search or the filter will not apply!)
- You can use the "Is Exclusive" button if you're wanting to specifically search for only the subtype(s) you listed. (This should filter out any grems with additional subtypes that you didn't specify in your search.)
When searching for grems with specific traits:
- Add the traits you are searching for into the "Has Traits" Drop down, and then hit search. You can list multiple traits in this area to further narrow your search!
◈Item Card Rarity Guide◈
Category Icons
Site items are displayed on "Item Cards"!
Each card will have an icon at the bottom right corner. This icon indicates what Category the item falls under.
Listed below are all of the categories for each icon provided.
This is how they will display in site text:
Artifact🏺 | Companion/Mount🐴 | Consumable🍖 | Forage🐾 | MYO🎫 | Trinket🔔 | Warden's Blessing👑
and this is how they will display when they appear in site graphics/images:
Foraging Rarity
Additionally, Foraging Cards will also have an extra "Rarity" symbol in the bottom left corner of their card. Rarity only applies to items collected through foraging that are classified with the "Forage🐾" Icon. These rarities indicate which are more common to acquire vs which are more difficult to come across, and also have the possibility of indicating potential worth based on their rarity rank.
Rarity key:
● = Common
▲= Uncommon
◆ = Rare
★ = Mythic
◈discord perks◈
Our Discord server provides our community a place to post art, have conversations, and get early and exclusive looks on Updates, Sales, and participate in other activities such as our Art Train channel and Event specific goodies!
If you are interested in joining, then send in a Claim requesting an invite!
❗[REMINDER: Our Discord is 16+ ONLY, the team will request age confirmation before providing an invitation.]