Owned by Paradise-Cub
Image #7849
Ear Trait:
Damaged Ears (Modifier Trait) (1 Torn)
Unusual Teeth (Public - Free Mutation) (Slightly larger upper canines)
+ Pedigree Fur (Public - Free Mutation) (Fur tufts)
+ Wire (Public - Free Mutation) (Whisker like wire on cheeks (2 per))
Uploaded: 29 March 2024, 13:52:17 EDT
Last Edited: 11 September 2024, 17:37:39 EDT
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[character=Grem #4370]
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[charthumb=Grem #4370]
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[![Thumbnail of #4370](https://gremcorpsarpg.com/images/characters/7/7849_TbPe7pafM5_th.webp)](https://gremcorpsarpg.com/grem/4370)
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No items owned.
Bound Creatures
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No bound splices.
Obtained from the Pod Reservation - Reduced Price