Profile #3006: Finch Birch

Owned by NobleSir

A traveler who does not talk about where he came from, Finch hads his eyes set on the future and preserving nature. Generally he's a big nerd when it comes to all things insect, arachnid, and buggy. For special occassions like Halloween he enjoys making cricket flour pumpkin cookies, scorpion chili spiced suckers, and faux bloody brains out of honey, larvae, and berries. He tries to ensure he's living sustainably, and enjoys reaching out to like-minded people whether they're human, Grem or other things.

In his day to day life, Finch takes care of injured or otherwise unable to live on their own "buggie buddies". No no, they're not pets, they're his friends you see. He finds them, helps them heal and then lets them return to their homes when he can, but if they'll never make it on their own he wants to make the rest of their life as good as he can. Then there's his "livestock" bugs, mostly crickets and mealworms, who he keeps generations of to make sure he has food, but also not every bug can be your friend.

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