#2606: Frisk's Links

(#2606: Frisk#4038: Neo): Acquaintence
Honestly, barely remembers she exists. Vaguely aware she lives next door, has seen her around a few times... doesn't know her name, never spoken. She seems twitchy though... he's caught her diving to hide behind trash barrels to avoid him a few times. Makes him wonder if she's heard and believes some of the rumors about him going around... usually puts him in sort of a bad mood.
(#4038: Neo#2606: Frisk): Crushing
Ahhhh, unrequited love. Frisk is Neo's neighbor, whom she discovered upon moving in with her family while attending Gremcorps training. She noticed him across the yard one morning while brining in the morning mail - and has been smitten ever since. Naturally, she's too anxious to actually go up and speak to him, loses her voice ENTIRELY around him, and tends to freak out and run away or hide behind things if she suspects he's even looking at her. Naturally, he has no idea she exists, and she suffers in silence adoring him from afar. Sometimes she will take over treats like plates of home made cookies or groceries and leave them on his doorstep.