Profile #2575: Balerion

Owned by IstorMortis


  • Balerion was commissioned by a family that was enamored with fantasy  creatures, in particular dragons. It was an expensive affair as they  wanted to make him perfect for the family and after much trial and  error, various itterations it finally came to be. 
  • Living in  wealth, Balerion lived a good life with the family, often being the  center of attention (despite his desire to be left alone) when it came  to outings and gatherings, he put up with it in stride. Over time the  family, who had no children of their own and in regards treated Balerion  like their own, grew older. Much of the wealth and furnishings were  given to him in their will when they passed and now he lives comfortably  alone in the home. 
  • He prefers the quieter side of life, not  being in the spot light but enjoying some company. Doesn't mind most  weather save for the extreme heat or cold, and enjoys shopping from time  to time for the shiniest of items.


  • He is prone to bouts of anger and irritation, and when he's in a mood  its best to leave him be and allow him to cool down. He'll often walk  away when he knows that he's having a moment and would rather not lash  out at people (unless they deserve it) but little things can and will  set him off.
  • Surpsiginly Balerion is a cat person. He isn't one for dogs as they're  loud and they shed all over, but cats are quiet like he is. They only  come when they need something and leave when they're satisfied so he can  relate. Reptiles have no interest in him nor does he in them, nor does  he appreciate the comparison between himself and whatever reptile.
  • Despite the will that was left in his name and the access to money, he  isn't one for designer clothing or items. He prefers the simplier side  of life, and does have a hoard of shinies somewhere (location never  disclosed) but he isn't one to go for designer clothing, bags or  vehicles.
  • He has heard it a number of times from his creation date with the family  and those around him. Yes he's aware that he looks like a dragon.  Telling him something he is pretty sure knows of will not get you on his  friendlier side any faster.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Open for link requests