Profile #2457: Sprig

Owned by Akatix

March April May - Green
June July August - Red
September October November - Orange
December January February - Blue
Blizzards or extreme storms during Dec-Feb or Mar-May - Purple


Once bright green leaves give way to flaky snow and weighed boughs. A thick blanket covers what is left of fallen leaves and only the conifers seem to be holding the snow proudly. You've been here many times before, seen many a friendly face or woodland creature and as you walk through you see someone new. Or…wait they are familiar. But different? They pass, you turn to stare…yes you definitely have seen them before but they seem incredibly different - however the tell tale swish of a striped tail and smile thrown your way seal the deal. A new shade of a familiar face indeed.

Spriggen is a woodland critter down to the core. She lives near the edge of a lake in an old Firewatch tower and frequently just wanders the outdoors. Hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing, bush craft - she loves all of it. There isn't a single season or weather pattern that will keep her cooped up and she takes great pride in aiding the forest how she can.

Her coat and colours change per season! Summer (red) is the lightest coat density, her fur becomes rather sleek and it's not common for her to overheat. Fall (orange) it begins to put on some heft, tufts and a thicker neck fur start to show. Winter (blue) her coat fills out and she's full fluff, perfectly suited for the cold weather. In the Spring (green), she sheds a good deal of her fur however just enough of the undercoat remains to keep her from freezing in the rain. In extreme weather cases during Winter or Spring her coat adjusts even further, doubling down on it's insulating layers (purple).

Sprig is an excitable Grem with enough attitude to last her the year. She tries to maintain positivity, nearly to the point of being annoying with her optimistic attitudes - even when most of it is based in realistic/logical view points. On the inside however she is more cynical than not - but if there's anything she's good at it's putting on a happy face for the value of others!

Something she refuses to use her mask of optimism for is her conservation work. She has zero tolerance for disrespect towards nature and has no issue dealing with anyone that shows that. Sprig is always keeping watch from the fire tower she calls home. It may be creaky and peeling paint, but it's a precious outpost to her that allows her to look out over the forest she loves.

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