#1731: Penny Curise

Owned by RebelAbsolution

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 24
Masterlist Entry: #1731
Weight: 184lbs
Height: 6'04
Voice claim: TBA

Occupation: Mechanic by day, racer by night
A friendly Grem who's a bit rowdy and a thrill seeker. she adores motor racing (legal or otherwise) and even became a mechanic so she can mod and maintain her own bikes. She often has an aura of cockiness, confidence and "cool aloofness" but this is immediately broken if you ask her about her tattoo in which she'll excitably ramble on and on about her rats and might even show you pictures of them on her phone like grandparents showing off pictures of their grand-kids lmao. Undoubtedly loyal and devoted to all her friends and partners.

Small Biography:
Lmao ikr (i.e. I'm working on it)

Likes: Her rats, a good adrenaline rush, friendly sparring* (*includes drunken bar fights lol),
Dislikes: Sore losers, people who are assholes for no reason, getting arrested lmao, people badmouthing rats/her tattoo


Sexuality: Pansexual Polyamorous; prefers strong feminine presenting babes
Mate: Seeking (Doesn't mind the occasional fling)
- Rouge

- Rowen - Friend, provides a safe place for his bike
- Leilani - Friend, pet budsss

- None

Ears: Ribbed+Puff(+Split on Left)
Neck: Bare
Tail: Prehensile

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