Comments on [Closed] FFA Snowgrem Auction

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dragonwolf360's Avatar


2023-06-15 21:59:54

Spyromancy's Avatar


2023-06-15 22:10:57

dragonwolf360's Avatar
Featured by Owner


2023-06-15 23:02:38 (Edited 2023-06-16 01:35:01)

Acember's Avatar
Acember Staff Member

Hello and congratulations! Thank you so much for bidding :D You've won this auction! If you would please feel free to note me on dA or reach out to me via discord (acember/acember#2556) with your PayPal info and I can get an invoice sent over to ya as well as the files for this lad!

2023-06-16 01:19:52

Spyromancy's Avatar

$150 (if I didn't miss the snipe guard WHOOP if I did, gg!)

2023-06-16 01:01:19

Acember's Avatar
Acember Staff Member

((Hello! Just jumping in for a sec to let you know, due to your bid placement falling within the last hour of this sale, the snipe guard has been activated. As of your previous comment the bidding will be extended for an additional hour. This will affect all subsequent bids and continue extending the end-time until a full hour passes with no additional bids, at which point the auction will end. ))

2023-06-15 22:24:47

Spyromancy's Avatar

Thank you for letting me know! <3

2023-06-16 01:01:29